Chapter 26

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The rumours circulate before I have a chance to tell anyone. My mother is the first to congratulate us when I get home. She hugs Lazarus like the son she never had and so does my father. They bask in their collective happiness while I stand behind, gazing at the ring on my finger. 

Exquisitely cut onyx diamond, the colour a varying shade of blue that could only come from the Oceanus constellation. When we were under the bright lights, it shone almost white but now in the dark, the stone gleams black. 

The longer I wear it, the heavier it feels. 

I smile when my mother rushes to me, gushing over the rare diamond adorning my finger. 

"It's so beautiful." She looks at it with so much yearning and I feel sad for some reason. 

Lazarus stays over that night and he fucks me so hard I can barely move after. I lie in bed in exhaustion and don't even remember when I drift off to sleep. I jolt awake in bed, feeling so extremely groggy. 

"What's the time?" I ask the virtual system in my room and when she tells me it's almost midday I nearly fall out of bed. 

There's a note on my bed stand from Lazarus, I grab it and stare at the minuscule words dotting the surface. 

You looked so peaceful sleeping. Felt like a sin to wake you. I left earlier, darling. Don't worry we can make a trip to Earth again.  

My saliva is thick as I swallow it down thickly, my body now shaking with rage. I was scheduled to visit Earth today with some of my squad members. I call Axis while I rush to put on some clothes, brush my teeth and attempt to look somewhat presentable. 

"PG Luna," Commander Axis answers in a rush. There's some commotion around him, a flurry of voices making it sound like he's at a carnival or in the middle of a riot. 

"Have you left?" I ask him hurriedly, strapping on my boots over the pants of my uniform. 

"No, General Grievous has just only arrived. We should be leaving anytime now. We were told you wouldn't be joining today." The surprise in his voice is evident. 

"No, no. I'm coming. I should be there in about ten." I'm already running out of the house as I say this. 

"But they have just activated the thrusters." 

"Stall them, Axis. Stall them!" There's a desperation in my voice that causes him to pause before he quickly assures me. 

"Consider it done." 

I jump onto one of my gliders and zip down the driveway, nearly crashing into the gates before they open. As I drive, my mind conjures up possible scenarios as to why I didn't wake up this morning. 

Lazarus could have easily woken me up. He knew today was important for the both of us. He knows I want to be a part of things and yet he let me sleep in. Not only does that make me look incompetent but missing today's excursion would set me back cycles. I need to be there, I need to see this magnificent technological advancement with my own eyes. 

I blink a few times, feeling a little groggy despite the shot of nerves currently firing through my system. Did Lazarus drug me? It's not like me to sleep in on a work day especially not one as important as this. 

When I reach the hangar, the crew of ships are already buzzing, their engines activated and ready for lift off. I run to the main one, a larger space disc where most of the leaders usually gather before we exit the base. 

I see my father front and centre, talking to Commander Inspiron. He wasn't supposed to lead the expedition today, only Lazarus. The rest of the generals have already visited their testing base, leaving only myself, Commander Inspiron and Commander Vendetta of the War Council. 

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