Chapter 17

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"Lazarus, let go of me or else," My body stiffens under his touch like never before. Every muscle locks in defense mode, my heart racing, anticipating an attack. My other hand instinctively wraps around the hilt of my fork. 

"Or else?" Lazarus mimics making fun of me, completely oblivious to the panic rushing through my entire body. 

I lift my fork and he winces, gaze far away as if a memory just flitted through his mind. He immediately releases me, jolting back like I was about to electrocute him. I know which memory he had, the one of his father stabbing his hand with a fork and then laughing about it afterwards. 

Lazarus's face is blank, eyes wide but unreadable. Guilt consumes me and I want to reach out and reassure him that I would never hurt him like that but is it the truth? If he had continued to hurt my hand would I have stabbed him?

After all it would be self defense. 

I proceed to cut my meat into pieces, pretending to ignore his temporary catatonic state. He sometimes gets like this and he's always requested that we do nothing about it. If less people fuss about it, the faster he recovers. 

He blinks a few times and just like that it's over. 

"Where do you think the rebels are residing? We haven't been able to track them down in months. How have they been able to evade us for so long?" I swallow a few pieces of the delicious meat and then gulp down the saccharine wine before me. 

"I have my theories. Not sure if you'd like to hear them though," Lazarus stuffs a large piece of wargol into his mouth and begins to chew. 

I stop eating and stare at him, looking slightly annoyed. "And why is that?" 

He simply shrugs, pretending to busy himself with his food while my frustration grows. 

"Let me guess, you think Lucian is behind this. Just like every other thing." 

He leans back in his seat, using a napkin to wipe his mouth before chugging down some of that wine we love. "I do think they might have inside help and while he isn't my only suspect, he certainly is one." 

"I swear you're obsessed with him. Lucian can't be involved in every single controversy involving Pluto, Lazarus. The plutonian needs his sleep as well, you know." 

Lazarus scoffs and then he starts to laugh, like I'd just told him the funniest joke. "Obsessed? Hardly. He's just always been suspicious. The type who would side with aliens. He's a sympathizer for sure. I see it every time I look at him." 

My lips purse and I busy myself with the assortment of vegetables between us, pine flowers, roasted roots and starchy greens all sautéed with our premium oil from Cixin. The rebels are smart to target the planets we depend on the most. 

Almost all of our vegetables and roots are imported from Cixin. I would dare say, our economy could collapse without this planet, or we'd certainly suffer finding other alternatives. 

But maybe Lazarus has a point. Maybe not Lucian but someone else, a Plutonian who believes in the rebel cause? Although unlikely it is some food for thought, a theory I shouldn't ignore. 

"You think I'm being ridiculous, right? Especially since you can't trust me at all." Lazarus adds when I don't say anything. 

"On the contrary, you might have a point." I tell him earning a look of surprise. "Or not. But we shouldn't disregard any theory, the attacks have grown in frequency. They're more brazen because we haven't caught them." 

His smile turns smug, like he knows something no one else does. 

"What are you hiding in that brain of yours?" I ask him earning a chuckle. 

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