Chapter 5

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Lazarus moved out of his parents place the moment he turned sixteen and joined the army as a certified officer. He's been living in a sprawling mansion in the inner sector of the North City, the most upmarket region on the planet. 

I didn't bother with a driver, opting to take my glider there alone instead. 

His door attendant greets me with confusion written all over his face when I walk up the steps to his front door. 

"PG Luna, we were not expecting you today," He murmurs, tugging on the neck of his shirt collar nervously. 

"I know. I was hoping to meet with PG Lazarus. We have something to discuss in private," I say, ignoring the looming Tarantula flowers he'd purposely placed at his front door to scare off unwanted guests. 

The sight of them has never frightened me but the look on his door attendant's face has me a little on edge. 

"Master Lazarus currently has guests over," He stutters when I walk past the threshold into his house foyer. "Please give me a moment to check-->"

"If I'm allowed to enter?" I raise my eyebrows in question and he visibly pales. 

No one has ever denied the Trinity access and I can tell this is putting him in a tight spot. 

He touches the ear piece in his left ear and nods to whoever is on the other side of the line. I tap my boot impatiently, crossing my arms over my chest as I stare at him. Every clack of my boot heel on the cold cement earns a nervous glance from him. 

After a few seconds he bows quickly and gestures for me to follow him. 

"Master Lazarus is currently in the games room." He proceeds to show me the way but I raise my hand to stop him. 

"It's fine. I know the way," I say curtly, more irritated with his master than I am with him. After all he is only the messenger. 

I grit my teeth together as I walk down those familiar corridors that lead to the underground game room in Lazarus's house. Since when did I need clearance to walk these halls?

The attendant still trails by my heels, most likely making sure I don't make any unexpected detours. 

I stare into the small green dot at the edge of the corridor ceiling. You really don't trust me do you, Lazarus?

I can hear the sound of music and laughter from the steps that lead to his underground game room. I push the heavy, velvet laden doors open and walk inside to see it crowded with Plutonians. 

I greet a few of them whom I recognise. There's Yuza, Commander Inspiron's niece and Zami, Commander Bardotta's nephew. The smell of smoke stings my nostrils and I can tell that most of the Plutonians here are high from the famous Cixin nerve agent we use to relax. Most of them are lying on the plush seating, their eyes red and glazed over. 

All of the guests here are young and unimaginably rich, most set to inherit their parents trade businesses or places in the army. I didn't know Lazarus was having a party but then it slowly dawns on me that Lucian and I weren't invited. 

Meaning this gathering was more about politics than it was about enjoyment. 

"Luna. The most beautiful star in the universe." Lazarus drawls from across the room and even through the music and chatter, his voice still manages to singe down past layers of skin and muscle, igniting my nerves with excitement. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

I blink a few times, eyes adjusting to the cloudy air that has started to make my throat itch. I walk through the smoke and by pass the rows of chairs, all filled with intoxicated guests. There are televisions plastered over the back wall, where some use consoles to battle it out with each other.

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