Chapter 14

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Finger's tapping the table twice each time. A glance of acknowledgment from our Earth counterparts. Lazarus in the room with the arms dealers. Lazarus on Earth two cycles before us. Alya being shot in my place. Lucian narrowly escaping with his life. 

I sit on the bed with my head in my hands. My hair is still wet, water drips on the floor with a soft plop every few seconds. These thoughts swim in my mind on a loop. Are they connected or separate but equally significant events? 

Lazarus never answered my question, instead he deflected them like most would do when they didn't want to tell the truth. He left the room, going only the stars know where, leaving me here to my vices. 

The silence ensuing his absence only magnifies the cacophony of doubts being thrown around in my mind. I need answers. I can't sleep, can't rest, can't do anything until I know at least something of use. 

And I'm not going to get that here. 

I stand up and slip into a plain silk blouse and pants. I grab my communicator and text the only  Plutonian who seems to have some sort of idea of what's going on. Someone I trust. 

Lucian tells me to meet him in the white region and my driver takes us through the city. I lean against the window, watching the colourful lights and the Plutonians sauntering by the sidewalk. Some of them ready to party through the night, others currently in embrace looking like they're done for the day. 

I must have succumbed to sleep along the way because my driver has to nudge me awake, his expression cautious when I finally stir. 

"We're here, PG Luna." 

The SyStem towers over the otherwise bare army base, most of the facilities here either outdoors or single story training rooms. Dark blue microlights streamline through every inch of its walls, making the building look alive at night. 

I thank my driver and get out, heading straight for the White Region. Lucian's seated in the auditorium, a series of images splayed out on the hundreds of monitors before us. I take a seat next to him and notice the redness in his eyes. 

He looks just as tired if not more than I am right now. 

"Want some?" He holds out a glass for me and I take hold of the steaming hot drink. 

"Is this what I think it is?" I ask hopefully and he nods, making me grin. I take a sip of the coffee and relish at the sweet bitterness. 

In Pluto we have much stronger substances to keep one awake and vigilant but after trying the coffee from Earth, Lucian and I have become big fans. The effects aren't as potent but there's something about the taste, it just keeps me wanting more. 

The biosphere here is strictly controlled and not many natural substances from Earth are allowed, including coffee beans. Lucian however, always manages to sneak in a few batches from time to time. 

"Mmmhm," I sigh and Lucian takes a sip of his, his expression serene.

"It is delicious," He agrees. "And much needed." 

"Can't sleep?" I ask him the obvious and his mouth forms a grim line. 

"Me too." I settle in and stare at the monitors before us. Thousands of screens showcasing every part of the planet and so many others. "So what are we looking at?" 

Lucian fiddles with the remote sensor on his seat, keying in the time frame and dates. 

I watch as the many screens in the centre become one, all conforming to a single frame giving  me full view of the command centre. There are a few officers I recognise on duty, all of them busy granting access to flight paths. 

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