Chapter 4

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Most Plutonians think the tunnels only travel from the South to the North and vice versa. Our Space Splitters occupy a large potion of the Eastern border and the Western side remains desolate.

To most.

I take my glider past the tunnels that lead to the South and stop at a halfway point, turning into a corner that has been designed as a dead end.

Command would most definitely have picked up my heat signature travelling along this route but we have technology to mask that.

The Sympathizers believe there is power in the nothingness. Real power comes from what you cannot see, real control from the place you least expect it.

Which is why our secrecy has been protected for millennia.

My gloved fingers traverse the rocky ice walls, the temperatures are volatile in these areas which is why no one bothers to look around here.

There is an indentation and I press my index finger into it. The sensor picks up the touch, lasers penetrating my glove to read my prints.

The wall opens only slightly, granting me access and I squeeze through, hauling my glider inside with me.

Darkness ensues when the door shuts behind me and I hold on to the handles of my ride, willing my eyes to adjust. Just then faint lights begin to illuminate the narrow road ahead.

I strap on and kick the pedal, flying through the narrow passageways, only narrowly missing the purposely constructed blind spots. I've done this so many times before, it's like I'm on autopilot.

There are a few gliders parked by the bay. General Lyra should be here already but I never know how she comes and goes.

She's always already here when I arrive and leaves long after I do.

I place my fingers on the scanner that has been camouflaged into the rocky surface and the wall parts for me when access is granted.

"PG Luna, pleasure to see you today," Commander Z greets me from the pantry. He sips on his caffeine infused quoto drink - much stronger than the coffee those ministers from Earth teased Lucian about - and rushes up to me. "General Lyra is in the observatory."

"Thank you, Commander Z. Trust me the pleasure is all mine." I smile at him and he blushes profusely, nearly knocking over his drink in the process.

I already know the way but he leads me down the sets of stairs, going deeper into Pluto's core. Everything is white and sterile, all the floors, the railings, the work stations. Everything except the walls, all rocky and dull grey.

I hear the sounds of electricity zapping, or bursts of flames or a scientist cussing when their results don't come out right. The rooms here are more open but then we pass by various work stations, with heavily suited Plutonians in highly secured chambers.

The biological warfare stations where experimentation on changing DNA through particle inhalation or virus inoculations are being carried out. I personally dislike this section the most. Thankfully, no virus has ever been able to replicate and infect through space travel.

And I plan to keep it that way. Maybe if I'm able to take over this place some day, I might just destroy this entire section.

General Lyra would disagree though. She's always been highly interested in DNA and mRNA experimentation. I see her standing with her hands behind her back in the observatory over looking the entire place. She would tell me I'm being rash and that to have the technology and not use it would be better that not having it at all.

I walk up the stairs and Commander Z trails closely behind. Irritation prickles the skin at the back of my neck and I whirl around to meet his gaze.

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