Chapter 4: My way, or the highway (Daily life)

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Truth be told I was exhausted. Not just from chasing Magilou around the entire building, but also the class trial itself. Gura lived up to her fish side with how slippery she was to catch, but eventually we did. The only bad side to that was watching her gruesome death. Ghost was burnt alive before being chopped by rotor blades...Ryuji was thrown into a building at Mach 1, only to plummet to his death, his face being smashed in the process...and Gura was skinned and burnt in a whole pool of acid.

There's only so much the human mind can take. Makes me wish sometimes that I went all-chrome. Then again, I'd have rather not gone cyber psycho. Last thing I needed was MaxTac on my ass. I'm the best solo in all of Night City, everyone knows my name.

"You need something done? Give V a call on the holo." Is what they'd say.

And I'd always get the job done.

In this school though? Hopes Peak Academy? I was back to your street kid trash. Nothin' but a gonk without chrome- and that's not even the worst of it.

I watched my choombas die right in front of my fuckin' eyes. I discovered their bodies, I lead an investigation to kill one of them. At the start of all this, there was 16 of us. We promised we'd all get out together.

That number's been almost halved now. Yet we still keep the same promise.

I'm not holdin' out hope no one will die anymore. I know that's what Monokuma wants. He wants to break us down, leave no hope left inside our bodies. Consume us all with the monster that's despair.

But I won't let him win.

Because I still have hope.

Hope that I, at the very least...

Will delta the fuck outta here!!!



Monokuma: Ahem! This is a school announcement. It is now 10pm! As such, it is officially night time. Soon the doors to the dining hall AND cafe will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Ok then! Sweet dreams everyone, good night, sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs biteee~

I snapped out my train of thought upon hearing the announcement.

V: Fuck me...

Johnny: Hey, you holding up ok?

V: As ok as I can be.

Johnny: Hey I just wanna apologise for some of the shit I said the other day. Didn't think it'd hit you so hard.

V: Oh? Look who's on a character redemption arc.

Johnny: Man, fuck you too V. Tryna be nice for once.

V: I appreciate it Johnny...thanks.

Johnny: Well don't get used to it. If anything you should savor this moment, rocker boy Johnny Silverhand's said his first sorry in decades.

V: ever said sorry in your life?

Johnny: You'd be surprised.

V: Damn right I would.

I lean back and look up at the ceiling.

V: Gotta admit...this is prolly the most depressed I've been here.

Johnny: Not after the first trial?

V: Nah, I was more in shock than anything for that. Depressed sure I am, talkin' to you of all people.

Johnny: Well if there's one thing you absolutely do wrong V, you don't talk to anyone about the shit you go through.

V: So what? No room for the weak.

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