Chapter 5: New world order (Deadly life)

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I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I didn't WANT to believe what I was looking at. Magilou's lifeless body was right in front of didn't feel real.

But it was.

Jolyne: What...what the fuck...?

Madeline: M-Magilou's...dead?

Len: How!? How can she be dead!? Everyone was in the cafeteria! No one could've killed her!

Ren: What's going on here!?

Jin: This...a most regrettable outcome.

V: Fuck most regrettable, what is this shit!? I pass out on my bed, wake up in the cafeteria and now Magilou's been fuckin' flatlined!?

Ren: You don't know what happened?

V: About what?

Ren: All of yesterday.

V: Not really, I trained with Jin but that's about it.

Jin: That was 2 days ago.

V: What!?

Jolyne: Wait so...when Johnny's in control she doesn't remember anything?

V: What? Sorry, can I just...have some time to process...WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!? MAGILOU'S DEAD, AND JOHNNY HAD CONTROL OF MY BODY!?

Len: was all a part of the motive Monokuma gave us.

V: What fuckin' motive?

Len: He had Johnny take over your body. I'm not entirely too sure how...but he did. The motive was that if we didn't kill within 2 days, Johnny would completely take over your body, and you'd be dead.

V: And one of you actually took that!?

Jolyne: No! We didn't! That's why we're all so confused!

V: Well, one of you had to of! Magilou's hanging from the fuckin' ceiling right now!

Len: Wouldn't that suggest she killed herself?

V: The javelin impaling her and massive pool of blood says otherwise.

Len: R-right...

Madeline: What do we do...?

V: Ugh...just...gimme a minute alright. Let me calm down for a sec.

I walk outside the gym closet to get some "fresh air". As if any air in this place is fresh...

I don't have any recollection of anything. I just remember passing out in my room, then I just...wake up in the cafeteria, everyone's panicking, and now Magilou's gone and flatlined.

I was used for a motive? Why? Did Monokuma realise that using me was the only way he could get us to kill again? Is that what it was?

Whatever it is, I can't make heads nor tails of what the hell is going on.

V: (Johnny! You there?)

No response. But he's there. I can feel it. Guess Monokuma gave me the same affect as the meds. Fuck me...cmon V, just calm down. It's the same as any other week here. All I gotta do is investigate the crime scene, and before I know it, it'll be class trial time.

Where one of us is gonna get executed for killing Magilou.

After finally calming down, I head back into the closet.

V: Alright...I'm ok now, clearer mind.

Jolyne: I'm so sorry this is the first thing you wake up to V.

V: It's fine. I just...gimme a quick rundown of what happened yesterday.

Jolyne: Well...Johnny took over your body, was kinda an asshole, we done the tournament thing, I kicked Johnny's ass, Monokuma booted us out of boxing ring because we weren't doing things the way he wanted us to or something and uhh...yeah that's about it.

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