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Words cannot describe how happy I am to have finally finished this book. When I first started writing this in, I believe April 2023, it was more so just as a distraction. I'd been in writers block since 2021, and I was scared I'd never get out of it. 2023 was an incredibly depressing year for me, however it also allowed me to change and grow as a person.

In May 2022, I abandoned the story. Writers block kicked my ass and I thought "Welp, guess I'm not writing anymore!"

I didn't even finish Chapter 2!!

Most of 2023 was just a depressing mess, but come October 2023, I finally found where I belonged in life. A friend group welcomed me with open arms...and I was happy for the first time in god knows how long, haha!

In December 2023, I was talking to two of those friends I'd met back in October. I remember saying something like "Oh yeah, I wrote this really cringe fanfic on Danganronpa once then abandoned it because I'm in a heavy writer's block".

You know what they said to me?

"Oh, I'd love to read it! Please, Starry! I beg you!"

Ok, I added the begging part, but you get the point.

I republished this book, and they enjoyed every second of it. It filled me with motivation. So, I finished Chapter 2 so they'd at least have 2 complete chapters.

Then I finished Chapter 3!

And then I finished Chapter 4...

And then 5...

And now, I've finished the final chapter.

I can officially say, I'm out of writers block!

I'd like to take a moment to thank both of these friends individually.

Pixel. Thank you so much for encouraging me to continue writing this god awful story. You were the first one to read it to me in a voice call, and just hearing you laugh from either cringe, or just a joke you actually found funny, it made me even happier than you can possibly imagine. And even moving aside from the whole writing aspect, you were the one that invited me into the friend group. You saved my life. You have no idea how thankful I am for that. I know I suck at giving affection. I know I always act like I don't care. But believe me, I do. Thank you so much <3

Aros. If I remember correctly, you were actually drunk when you first heard the story! I mean that in the nicest way possible too btw, because I'm sure being drunk made this story way more tolerable. I know you read the book slightly later than Pixel (cuz I never sent it to you for some reason), but if it makes you feel better, as of writing this message, you're 3 chapters ahead of him! The amount of fun we've had the past like, month or so, whether it's talking about this, watching anime, you having to deal with me being clingy af, me having to deal with you being clingy af, being clingy in general! Being able to talk about this story with you has been so much fun just on its own, let alone everything else. Similar to what I said with Pixel, I'm sorry if I don't show my love clearly, but believe me, I love you so much you don't understand. Thank you for being there for me <3

And last but most certainly not least.

The one who's been reading this ever since the first time I published the prologue.

I wasn't sure what to call you as you have so many names, but I always call you Luka in my head. So Luka! Tysm for always being there for me. You've had to listen to me rant and rant about my dumbass problems, about how I wanna write something, my ideas for writing, hell you've been with me through my entire journey when it comes to getting out of writers block! You watched me grow as a writer, little by little. I've said it twice, and I'll say it again. I'm sorry I suck at showing how much I care for the things you do for me. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be writing this message (well, one because I'd never have met you, and two, you're the main reason why I never gave up writing). Ilysm, thanks for believing in your fake younger sister and getting through this cringe fest with me. Thank you, brother <3

Oh and I GUESS I should thank you, the reader. For getting through this GOD AWFUL story.

But you know what they say about god awful stories?

Write a sequel baby. Why else do you think slasher film franchises exist?

Danganronpa 360: No scope of despair, will be the next entry in this series!

I'll probably start releasing it in summer, but no promises on when! Good things come to those who wait.

Thank you for reading. Thank you so much.

You're all amazing people, and you're loved.

Yours truly,

-Starry <3

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