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How are you all
Here is the first chapter. Thanks for your love and support. Now I can write it with confidence.

Hyunjin pov.

I reached at Minho house to celebrate. I knocked at door his mother open it.
"Hello hyunjin I got to know you have been accepted by xxxxxx academy I'm so happy for you" she said. "Thank you mrs. lee" I said. "Where is Minho" I asked her "he is in his room go upstairs" she said. I went upstairs to his room when I got inside his his room I heard shower sound. So I sat on his bed and started to find dance videos. I suddenly remembered Minho telling me about his brother picture at his room I look beside his bed there was a small table that has picture of him and his brother.


I never noticed this picture at past and now when I notice it I can't forget him now. He so charming I can't believe Minho has brother who is soft looking & baby face. I was staring at the picture I didn't notice Minho behind me


"OMG Minho don't scare me like that gosh you will give me heartattack " I put my hand to my chest and said that . He chuckled and said "yeah you get heartattack every single minute from little things". "So what do we do to celebrate " I asked him. "Let's go to arcade and play games or play Mario cart here " he suggested. " I'll like to go outside " I said . "Okay then let's go"

(Time skip after they had fun)

We got back minho's home we both were tired. We both slept at his room. Offcourse me at floor and him at bed. Minho will kill me if I try to sleep with him on bed. Next morning when I woke up i go to bathroom to do my daily routine. Yeah we have each other clothes at house because we sleepover sometimes. When I go out from bathroom. I saw Minho is still sleeping there. I don't want to die early so I'm not gonna wake him up.
I looked at the picture again. I can't wait to meet him in real life. I went home after saying bye to mrs. lee she is the best mother. When I reached home my mother told me to pack my bags because I have only one day left to go to Australia. Yes I'm going to follow my dream there. I started to pack my stuff looking around to check all the important documents. When I pack it all up. I lay down on my bed. I'm so excited and also nervous it's new country I still don't know how speak English fluently I hope find some nice friends there. I'll miss Minho and seungmin there they are the only friend I have here and seungmin boyfriend is also my friend. I still can't believe seungmin got himself a boyfriend before us. His name is changbin he tried every freaking time to get seungmin attention because seungmin doesn't like talking to others but changbin pull down seungmin's wall and entered his heart. They are the most funny duo I know they love to tease eachother everyone will think they don't like eachother but it's their love language. One time I saw drunk seungmin trying to kiss changbin that day I got sure they are so in love with each other and I love them. I think Minho would have told seungmin about me going. I'm gonna meet them for the last time today. I'm gonna miss them. I'll come back soon but I need to achieve my dream there first.

Australia here I come.

I enjoyed my last day here with my friends and family the day went so fast now here I am at the airport with my friends and family. They come to say goodbye to me my mother is crying telling me all the things to do call her daily, eat food on time, sleep on time etc. etc. I give hug to her and told her "I Love you mom". Next I hugged Minho I know he doesn't like skinship much but he is bearing with it like he should because I'm gonna miss his devil antics I told him "don't you dare to forget about me give me call every day I'll miss you" "you are saying like you are not gonna irritate me every freaking day with your calls" Minho said smirking "that because you don't even call me once you heartless devil" "what did I said about calling me name" Minho said giving me daring look "I'm going Australia I'm not scared of you" I said putting my tongue out to annoy him.

"Can you both please stop fighting and hyunjin you have to take care of yourself self stop falling from stairs or playing phone on road" seungmin said "hey don't you two have anything else to say to me with out making fun me " I huffed " yeah seungiee he is going to Australia now he is gonna me smart so don't worry about him" changbin said to his boyfriend. "I'm gonna miss you all I said looking at all of them.


After so much crying pulling eachother legs I finally said goodbye to all of them. I got on the plane. I still can't believe I'm going to my dream academy there. I hope everything will go perfect there.


When I go out from the dean cabin
I got startled when someone crashed on me when I look up who the hell wasn't looking where they are going

It was......................................................

Minho's brother who is looking at me irritatingly like I was the one who bumped into him

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