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Third pov.

It's been three or four days Peter was busy with his classes and making new lyrics that he didn't have time to message Minho.

Minho didn't even notice that when that crazy guy stopped messaging him, he was having his daily life, going out with a cat and mouse couple aka (seungbin), he swear to god he is gonna kill them some day, he goes out with hyunjin.

Hyunjin is the funniest and most dramatic best friend that he adores but he can't accept that on his face.

Peter was out with felix, when felix got FaceTime with his mother, he let felix talk to his mother and started scrolling the phone that's when he heard the voice he didn't even know he missed this voice for four days.

"You brat don't you know how to pick up your phone" Minho said complaining about felix ignoring him. Peter was trying to stay still but inside he wanted to go beside felix and look at Minho's handsome face, he started tapping his leg without noticing.

"Peter stop shaking your legs, for a minute I thought there was an earthquake" felix said looking at Peter with some concern and questioning look, he knows about peter anxiety, he wants to make sure if peter is alright.

Felix thought of an idea to distract peter from whatever he is thinking.

"Peter this is your baby girl" he said showing the screen to peter looking at him teasingly felix said, he wanted to annoy Minho hyung and it will distract peter also.

Peter was looking at the screen without saying anything, that picture of Minho is nothing compared to this handsome and sexy guy in the face time, he can't even say a word, he was just staring at the screen without saying anything. Suddenly felix poked him.

"Ummm... Hi..iii I'm peter" peter said looking at the screen trying to hide his blushing face.

"DO I LOOK LIKE A BABY GIRL TO YOU" minho said teasingly to peter, he raised his eyebrows,
Smirking, Minho never finds not even a girl or boy adorable but this guy before him is cute.

"Umm sorry about that " it took all the courage to peter to say this because he was just hypnotized by minho's visuals.

Minho wanted to say something but they heard a doorbell ring Minho hang up the face time saying he got his best friend there he will talk to lix later. Peter was still having that tomato face, he can't forget Minho visuals now that purple hair, that die eyes, that devil smirk, that eyebrow rise, Minho looks so freaking hot. He can't get enough of looking at him.

"Back to earth, back to earth" lix was singing this waving his hand in front of Peter who was hypnotized.

"Yes lix you were saying something" peter asked looking at Felix who was looking concerned for peter, he told Peter to go to his dorm room for some rest because he kept zoning out. Peter just touched his neck looking on the other side and told lix to not to worry he was just tired, they bid bye to each other and went inside their dorm room.

Going to his room peter lay down on his bed and think about Minho than start thinking if he should text him or not, he is fighting with himself because he is thinking this feeling for just appreciation a good visual nothing much. He is straight he just want to make a new friends nothing much. After thinking all this  getting tired of thinking too much, he went ahead to get shower to relax himself.

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