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How are you all
Sorry for delay
I got some health issues going on
I hope you will like this chapter.
Enjoy reading

Hyunjin and felix were so close they were about to kiss when the door of the practice room got open startling both, felix pushed hyunjin.


"Hyunjin what are doing down there" a girl voice come from behind them making both hyunjin and Felix turn around to look at the person.

There stood a girl with flawless skin, cherry lips, curly hairs, she looks beautiful.

"Umm I got tired of practice so I was resting" hyunjin replied to the girl, trying to cover his hurt expression with an exhausted expression.

Felix know this girl from their class but he never got her name, but the way hyunjin and the girl are talking looks like they have met before.

"Mina, what are you doing here" hyunjin asked looking at mina, who's looking at Felix then at hyunjin. Hyunjin got up from the floor. Hyunjin dusted his pants. Then look at mina for answer. Mina just took his hand and take hyunjin with her saying come with me with some urgency.

Before hyunjin was totally taken out he looks at Felix and said " I think that's it for today we will practice tomorrow" saying this hyunjin was out of sight from felix. Felix stands there Looking at the door hyunjin got taken away with a girl, Felix just got to know her name.

Felix gritted his teeth"stupid ferret " felix went out of the room, closing the practice door room slightly harder. Felix doesn't know why is he feeling irritated. He stomped his way to his dorm room. Only to find it empty where is Minho hyung right now.

felix made his way towards his room going to take shower, because he is feeling so sweaty and irritated.
Why that girl have to take hyunjin like she owns him. Hyunjin doesn't even looked fazzed the way that girl dragged him.

After an hour long shower filled with felix various thoughts of different ways to taunt hyunjin. Felix got out the shower wearing a towel. Felix made his way to his bedroom and start to wear his clothes.

The dorm room got open then click closed, Minho is home felix guessed. Felix dropped his towel and start to wear his shorts.

There comes a whistle from his back side. Minho wouldn't whistle like this even if he saw felix naked. He will just shout at him or curse him. He fastly wear his shorts and turn around fastly.

There is hyunjin standing leaning on Felix door frame whistling. Hyunjin has a playfully smirk on his lips looking at Felix and licking his lips. "If I knew you were showering I would have come sooner to join" hyunjin winked saying to felix. Felix was irritate now he is annoyed. Why hyunjin is here at his dorm room.

"I'll happily decline that, why are you here don't you have your dorm room" felix huffed saying this hyunjin who is just smirking at felix  annoyed expression. "Your brother said he wants a change of roommate so here I'm" hyunjin said pointing at himself. Felix looks shocked to the new information. Minho didn't said anything to him. His clothes are still here. Why did he do this.

"I'm gonna make something for myself, move your sweaty ass out of herefelix said looking at hyunjin who is still leaning on Felix door frame. "Make it for Me too baby" hyunjin said giving felix a flying kiss, move towards Minho room aka now his room.

Felix cursed. Great now he have to live with the most annoying person.


Minho was still standing outside the door after peter closed the door. Minho looked at the door he knows there no use of knocking it. Peter will not open it. Minho was irritated looking at the door. The look he is giving the door, the door will be burnt by now.

Minho was leaning on the wall thinking what to do. Because he will meet peter today only. There is no way he is giving it another try tomorrow. Hyunjin was coming to his dorm room. Hyunjin looks at Minho. "Were you waiting for me, you should have waited inside"
Hyunjin said looking at Minho who giving glare to hyunjin. Hyunjin looks confused. Hyunjin opened the door to his dorm. 

"Hyunjin do me a favour take your clothes with you, take my key go to my dorm to sleep today, I'll sleep here today. Don't ask questions I'll answer it laterMinho said to hyunjin almost begging him. Hyunjin looks confused but he just nod at Minho going towards his room to take his things for the day.

When he got out the room Minho was sitting on the couch placed on living room. Hyunjin was about to walk out of the dorm when Minho went to hyunjin side and said "tell your roommate you are here, then go to my dorm." Okayyyy now it's weird but Hyunjin didn't question it. He just said it. And made his way out of dorm. Minho closed it.

Minho made his way to peter room and knock on it. "Hyunjin it's open" there comes a muffled voice from inside. Minho clicks the door open slightly. Minho knows peter will be shocked looking at him instead of hyunjin. He deliberately opened the door slowly. Looking inside the way peter is on bed with some comforter on. Still not looking who opened the door.

"Han we have to talk, you can't ignore me forever" minho said looking at han with pained expression it hurts Minho how much han is avoiding him.

"Whattt.... Are... You doing here, where.... Is hyunjin" peter stutters trying to avoid Minho gaze.

Minho closed the door going inside. He walks towards peter bed and sit on the side of it. Peter was still avoiding Minho gaze. "Hyunjin went to my dorm room, you have to talk to me han I can't live without you" Minho said trying to look for peter hand to hold it. Holding it Minho looks at Peter who was sniffing now trying to stop himself from crying.

Suddenly he got up from his comforter, keeping his comforter aside, starts hitting Minho chest. "Why do you come here, why..... I was trying to forget you......... I was trying to not to think about you....... Minho I missed you so much it's hurts not to talk to you..... But I was trying so hard to not give up...... Why you show up here...... You are breaking it the wall I created..... You broke it.......... I was so scared.....
I wanted to be with you but I..............  Minho....... hyung I'm sorry, I left you with out saying anything........ I was shocked at first......... But now I know....... I can't live with you hyung........ I'm sorry hyung. Please forgive me. I thought giving it some break time..... Will bring back my old self but it never happened...... Now I can't even think about anything else but you hyung...... I'm sorry hyung......"  Peter was sobbing letting himself out after five months. Peter was letting it all out. Minho hugged him closer making him comfortable because Minho himself was crying after peter words, Minho never thought Peter felt this much inside, Minho thought of scolding peter, for leaving him,avoiding him, making Minho feel miserable first time in his life.

Now looking at Peter sobbing Minho feels all his frustration and irritation went down. Minho hugged peter close and made peter lay down on bed and lay beside him and hugged him again. Minho put peter head on his chest and started to comb peter hair with his hands. Peter feels Minho touch soft making him feel like purr at the touch. Peter nuzzled his nose at Minho collar bone. Minho moaned unknowingly at the peter touch. Peter smiled at his doing than keep his head at Minho chest listening to Minho heartbeat peter started feeling sleepy. Before giving in to sleep peter said to Minho "don't leave me hyungminho hummed at Peter and intervening their hands and kissing on top of Peter hands.

Hey again
Sorry for the late update.
Sorry if there is some mistakes.
I'm still recovering.
Hope to update soon.
Love you guys 😘 💖
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