18 🔞

148 4 5

I'm back again with a new chapter for you
I was busy these days with lots of work to finish.
My health was not good too that's why I took to much time for new update I'll try to make this chapter longer.....

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Third pov.

Hyunjin and felix kissing eachother passionately. Hyunjin trying to take felix to his room with out breaking their kiss. They moved slowly towards the room. Hyunjin took his room handle to open it.

That's when they heard the knock on the front door and Minho shouting like there is no tomorrow.
Hyunjin moved away his face from felix only to curse "fuck" how breathtaking felix look because of their kiss they just shared. The red cheeks with his heartbeat fastening up because of the kiss. He wants to see felix begging him for his mercy.

"Hyunjin open the DAMN DOOR" Minho loud voice can be heard from the miles away. Hyunjin look at Felix for a second to see him panicking. Hyunjin kiss felix cheeks before going to open the door.

Hyunjin opened the door with annoyed look on his face. Minho look at hyunjin unbothered by his annoyed look. And goes inside the dorm. " hyunjin where is felix" jisung asked going inside with Minho. Hyunjin closed the door turned around only to see felix is not there where he left him. His brows frowned

Three of them heard water flowing down. Felix mind was going everywhere. What just happened he kissed hyunjin, he insisted it. Felix must have gone crazy(yes from jealously 🤣) felix close his eyes from frustration only to open it with a groan. Felix don't want to imagine happening it again the kiss made him have problem down there that's why he run for his life when hyunjin went to open the door for his brother and his best friend.

"Felix why are you taking so long" felix heard Peter voice Asking him just outside the bathroom door. He dried himself and put on bathrobe before going out. Peter look at Felix only to see his face little more red than usual, peter reached out to touch it, peter thought maybe felix is having fever. But felix temprature is normal. "What thought you are having to make you red like that" Peter asked looking at Felix mischievously rising his right eyebrow.

"I.....I...am.....not have having any thoughts what are you saying" felix cursed himself for suttering so much. Felix bites his cheeks. Felix hoped jisung will buy it and don't ask for more to felix.

Jisung open his mouth to tease more but the door open to make jisung stop saying anything else, felix give a silent thanks to Minho for opening the door. Jisung looks at Felix side to give felix look that this talk is not finished.

Felix's thankful face turned to horror when felix noticed Minho is not alone at the door. Hyunjin standing on the door looking at Felix licking his lips then wink at Felix. Felix face turned red immediately. But he just cleared his throat to hide that.

"Minho can you both can go outside so I can wear clothes" felix said looking at Minho avoiding hyunjin smirking face.

"Why just us, Peter is standing there to"  hyunjin said looking at Felix giving him questioning look, felix hissed at Hyunjin. "Peter take them out" felix said giving peter pointed look. Peter just nodded his head taking both hyunjin and Minho by their shoulders to get out of the room.

After some time felix come out of the room to look at three of them at living room watching something on telivision. Felix takes his seat beside hyunjin the only free seat available is beside hyunjin. Minho and jisung are snuggled with eachother. Looking so cute. Felix look at them with smile and muttered a small cute but hyunjin heard it. Hyunjin's hand slowly made his way towards felix waist pulling him little closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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