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Hello my readers
Here is the next chapter for you
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Third pov.

After reaching the academy he went straight to the front desk to ask for the dean cabin, after getting his dorm number and keys he went towards the dorm building, he knocked on the door, the person opened the door slightly but he saw the person outside the door he got shocked.

he called his roommate to ask "hyung I'm dreaming right" his roommate looks at me then at his roommate and said "nope there is someone one standing outside "  he looked between both us to know what is happening.

"MINIIEEE HYUNG WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Felix said looking at his brother, he never thought Minho will come to Australia, minho never came to visit him even if felix asked several times, now he is standing outside his room.

"I am gonna attend the academy just like you do" Minho shrugs his shoulder answering felix, he went straight to chris side giving him a side hug "hey chan, how's everything going" minho greets chris, felix standing at door side looks at both of them he didn't remember telling his brother about chris and chris Korean name.

"Do you guys know eachother?" Felix asked looking at them, Minho and chris looked at Felix then at each other, chris was about to say something when Minho said " yeah we have meet before at Seoul, he was on date with his boyfriend who is my friend of friend"  at the mention of his boyfriend chris gets shy and start scratching his neck. Felix was beyond shocked now, his brother is friend with chris and also with his boyfriend. Chris has a boyfriend he doesn't know, felix looks so devastated now he feels cheated on when he was not even in a relationship.

Chris looks at Felix he doesn't know what to say to felix he always tried to draw line between his and felix friendship, he always give felix hint how he is a brother to him. "He is your younger brother, you always tell about him to us" chris asked looking at Minho who is watching felix, because it's looking like felix is about to cry, suddenly felix hugged Minho "I missed you miniiee"  felix said hugging Minho trying to hide his face, Minho was taken a back with Felix crying but he smiles lightly patting him on hair "I missed you to my baby brother"  chris giving a last lok to brothers then went inside his room giving them some personal space.

After both brothers talked about different things and they did FaceTime to their parents, Felix was still feeling down about the information he got today, they both move towards the dance room with chris. Entering the class they move towards corner of class. Hyunjin entered the class he can't believe his eyes what he is seeing, is he
hallucinating things.

he went straight to the corner of room and said "OMG, MINHO YOU ARE HERE, WHY DID YOU TOLD ME"  hyunjin was pouting after saying this, his best friend was not even calling him for two days, and now he is here.
"SURPRISE"  Minho said smirkingly looking at hyunjin, hyunjin being dramatic said "I don't know you"  and moved to the other side of the class.

Felix was looking at this with wide mouth he gave his brother questioning look "you know hyunjin also"   "know, he is my dramatic best friend I told you about"   Minho said looking at Felix who is looking at hyunjin pouting. Felix is getting dizzy getting to know all the things at one time. To his rescue mr. Jung entered the room.


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