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Hyunjin pov.

Our vocal class went by me and felix bickering with each other. Whenever he tries to say something to chris I intrupt it because if he is not gonna talk to me nicely I'm not gonna let him talk to chris. Peter is having fun in this I can see amusement in his eyes.

"Lix, Sam we need to go to rap class you can continue it there" peter said controlling his laugh

Lix huffed saying"I'm gonna ignore him, let's go channiee hyung"

He just walked ahead of us. Peter look at me and start laughing.

"Why are you fighting like a couple " peter said

Lix heard this


"Why, are you scared to be with your competition lixiiee" I teased him

"YOU ........"

"can you both please keep it down the teacher gonna be here soon" chris said pleading with his eyes

Peter come by my side and Said

"I know what are you trying to do but I'm with you" he winked at me. I just laughed

After class ended me and Peter went to our dorm. I got to know felix and chris share a room and felix has crush on chris is not helping. I don't know what I'm feeling but I don't like this.

I went to shower first, after shower I went living room to sit on couch and start watching something on tv. Peter come out of his room and said his going to felix and chan dorm to hang out. I said okay at first thn I thought I should go to, I'm getting bored anyway and I'm gonna watch how felix behave with chris in their dorm.

Their dorm room is just beside us like 2 rooms apart. When peter knocked we heard a coming voice that is chris  saying.

Felix opened the door smiling and after the door opened his smile droped

"Not again" felix said going inside

"Aren't you happy seeing me, I'm hurt" I said teasing him

"I'm glad to hear that " he replied smilingly

"You two can continue this inside I think " peter said looking at us

"So Hyunjin I Heard you became felix competition in dance class" chris said looking at Felix who is glaring at him for saying this. He looks so cute giving this expression.

"I didn't know I did, did I felix" I asked him smirkingly I know it's annoying him. That's what I want right now

"Of course not, nobody can & nobody will" he said fake smiling

"But I heard instructor jung said something like, felix you got a competition here" I answered him smirking again. I love how his cheeks got red because he is getting annoyed by the second I'm saying this.

"He is purely mistaken then, I'll prove it in next class to all" he said smiling at me

"I'm waiting for it lixxiee pixxiee" I said pouting at him

He huffed but didn't said anything when I called him this name.

After some chit chat me and Peter went to our dorm room to rest. We ate something chris made for us there. So we are just sleepy now. After getting inside we said bye to eachother and entered our room.

ANNOYED AT FIRST SIGHT  (HYUNLIX FF)Where stories live. Discover now