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Hey guys
Happy 6th anniversary stray kids ❤️
Stray kids everywhere all around the world 🌍💞

Here is the next chapter for you guys 😘

After going out of the room Felix made his way to his dorm, it took him twenty minutes to reach there, going inside the dorm building he went straight to his room, took out his keys to open the door.

He entered his dorm room, there was some rustling voice coming from the chris room, he peeked a little from the door, chris was packing his luggage,  looking through his bed drawer, going inside the bathroom to look for his things, he was invested in packing so much that he didn't notice felix standing outside his room.

Felix comes inside the room, he makes his way towards chris, he hugs Chris without saying anything

"Felix when did you come back, we were worried you guys didn't chocked each other" chris said chuckling, chris didn't notice felix crying hugging him, but when something wet touch his face, chris make some space between them to look at Felix, "why are you crying lix, after two year you are gonna come back korea also, or I can visit here" chris said hugging felix again, he started patting felix back to calm him down.

"Chris why it can't be me, you know about me don't you?" 
Felix asked looking at chris, felix was sniffing looking at chris for answer but chris kept being silent.

"You are a best brother I got here lix I can't tell you how happy I was to know I got you as roommate, but I always treated you like a brother, sorry if hurted you but that was not my intention I'm so sorry felix" chris said looking at Felix, whose face is covered with tear stains it's hurt chris heart he never wanted to hurt felix.

Chris thinks it's his fault also he never cleared it out loud enough for felix to know, "I will be going today at night, you can call me whenever you want to, I'm sorry lix" chris said ruffling felix hair, felix looks at chris and give him weak smile, now chris has said it out loud for him now he can't do anything about it.

This is all hyunjin fault he wanted to take chris with him, if chris went with him yesterday he would have spent the night with chris, chris won't be leaving him like this, that stupid ferret is the one to blame, felix huffed thinking about it, he was not in mood to go to class either so he just send a leave application to dean saying he is not feeling well, peter is also not going till tomorrow, he can take rest for today so that he won't be facing hyunjin alone there.

Hyunjin laying on his bed thinking about felix words and the last night chuckled, felix is telling him to forget about it, he is gonna make sure Felix remembers everything, every detail about the night.

There was a knock on the door, he went out to open the door, hyunjin open the door only to find Minho who was looking at him suspiciously "you didn't told me you became friends with Felix here" Minho said looking at hyunjin who was lost at words, hyunjin can't tell him that his brother finds him annoying or what they did at night.

Hyunjin trains of thought Stoped when Minho flicked his head
"Oouchh.... Why are you hitting me, it's nothing like that we are dance partners" hyunjin replied trying to avoid looking at Minho's eyes.  He rubbed his head saying his brain gonna be bruise from the flick Minho did. To which Minho just said drama queen and chuckled.

"You have class today, get ready so we can go together"  Minho said looking at hyunjin who is running inside his room saying Minho to wait for ten minutes he will be ready. Minho entered the dorm going to sit on couch. He stared scrolling his phone looking at his old chats he Missed him. After fifteen minutes hyunjin was coming out of his room, Minho got up from couch to move towards door.

"Peter I'm going to class if you need something text me, bye" hyunjin said peaking through the other room door. Minho heard it he halted on his step he heard peter, is he the same peter he talked with, Minho wanted to go back inside and look with his own eyes to confirm it but hyunjin got out the dorm room and took Minho's handsome who was there without moving an inch after he heard Hyunjin word, hyunjin dragged him to class with out letting him go.

Minho looked back at closed dorm room, he is gonna find out soon, he is gonna meet him soon, please be the Peter I want to meet he thought.

Classes was boring today because felix didn't attend any classes, hyunjin wanted felix to be there so that he can make him flushed with blush, hyunjin wanted to tease him so bad. Minho looked restless to hyunjin, Hyunjin was wondering what happened to Minho.

Minho's luck was not on his side because mr. Jung asked for him. Minho wanted to go back to hyunjin dorm to see peter, by the time mr. Jung and Minho finished doing new choreography. It was almost night time. Minho crused now he can't go there till tomorrow morning. Minho said good night to mr. Jung and went towards felix dorm.

Sorry for the short chapter
I'll try to make the chapter longer.
Please comment and vote 🥰

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