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All classes was with hyunjin and mina were torture for Felix. Felix tried to block hyunjin and mina from his site but it didn't help when both of them are laughing about all the stupid stuff they are saying,  as the last class ended felix made his way towards his dorm room with out looking back.

Minho and peter were puzzled why felix literally running away from the class. "Is he mad because of us min" jisung asked looking at Minho who is frowning his eyebrows towards the door from where felix ran away. "Nope, lix is not petty type

Minho and peter went towards the dorm, they entered the dorm room only to find shower voice from the bathroom.

After felix come at dorm he went straight to take shower to cool of his mind, maybe it will help him to feel less irritated. Felix comes out of his room after dressing in shorts and a loose t-shirt. Felix looks at both people who are in the living room talking to each other in the hushed voice. Felix shake his head, offcourse they look cute together but felix has to maintain himself because they both didn't told him anything about their relationship.

"Are you guys done" felix asked rising his eyebrows. Jisung jumped a little, Minho hold him down. "Lix don't scare us like that he will get a heart attack" Minho said glaring at felix who shake his head "who thought my fierce bro can be a lovely boyfriend"  felix said smirking at Peter, who blushed at felix statement, Minho give a annoyed look at felix side but when he turns his head towards peter he give his heart eyes to peter. "Enough about us, why did you run away like that?" Minho asked Felix giving him suspicious look. Felix cleared his throat "I was feeling hot that's why" felix said more like to himself. Minho and peter nodded their head because it's indeed weather is getting hotter.

"Jisung did you know about hyunjin girlfriend ?" Minho asked jisung, felix wanted to know the answer too but he tried his best look  not interested in their talk and made his way towards kitchen, still focusing on jisung reply. "Nope, I didn't even knew he knows mina!"
Jisung answered having a confused look on his face.

"WAIT YOU KNOW THAT GIRL MINA" felix exclaimed from the kitchen side, jisung give a frown look to felix "who doesn't know her, she is a senior, she is famous for her beauty, many boys are chasing after her here, don't know how hyunjin happened to date her, I was sick for two or three days and I got to know it today" peter said with a betrayed look on his face. Minho also has puzzled look because he thought maybe hyunjin told his roommate about his girlfriend. Peter confirmed it he also didn't had any idea about it.

Felix who was near the kitchen counter has moderous look on his face. Hyunjin didn't even come to get him for practice, did he even remember they have to perform in two days. Felix was making some smoothie, he made for Minho and peter also. Felix sat down on couch beside peter. Felix didn't even tried to listen what they were talking about.

"Lix can you go to jisung room today!" Minho said looking at felix expecting a yes as an answer. Felix tried to say something but peter start to give felix puppy eyes, felix huffed looking at both Minho and peter than grumbled a okay.


Felix went towards jisung dorm room. He knocked the door, when there was no response he thought maybe hyunjin is not back yet. Felix was about to go back to his dorm room. When suddenly door opened.
Hyunjin looks at felix "why didn't you come to the practice room?" Hyunjin asked Felix with a questioning look. Felix look at hyunjin he go inside the dorm ignoring what hyunjin said. When hyunjin was about say something.

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