12 🔞

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Felix grabbed the hand and took the person to the guest room and lock the door.

After the gate got locked by Felix, the person got locked looked confused, why did Felix take him, he knows about chan having a boyfriend. But all his thoughts got interrupted when felix got closer to him blocking him from opening the door of the room. Felix started to get closer to him, he started to move backwards till he got stopped by the wall he tried to say something

"Felix what are you............"

"Shhh don't say a word today, let's forget about everything today, please be mine for today" felix said putting his fingers on his lips. He is shocked that felix is saying something like this to him. He was trying to say something to object to it. Trying to get out of the room.

But when felix started to give a feather kiss to his neck he tried to stop himself from moaning, but felix didn't stop there felix his fingers slowly trails his hand up under his shirt and traced his abs with his fingers, that person lost his mind after that he flipped them now Felix was trapped on wall, he put felix hands above him.

"Felix we shouldn't do this, you are drunk, you don't know what are you doing" that boy said to felix, he losing his grip on Felix hand and tried to go towards door, but felix took his hand and dragged him towards bed pushing him to the bed and sitting on top of him, felix Started to grind on the boy hips making it harder for the boy.
Felix goes near the boy ear " I know I want this and I know you want this too"  felix said sucking the boy ear, the boy had enough of this.

He flipped them over pinning felix to the bed, his eyes are full of lust now he can get the regret later but now he knows he wants it too, he got closer to felix and started sucking on Felix neck making him moan, he took of felix crop top leaving him shirtless, started going down to his chest giving his kisses and sucking felix skin, he started to tease Felix nipples, he put one on his mouth and second one his hand pinching it and sucking the other, felix became moaning message just from this, he feels proud seeing felix became moaning message because of him, he goes up again"felix are you sure you want this" he asked this carefully to him he just want to be sure they won't regret it later.

Felix give him answer by putting his hand on the boy hair and pulling him closer sealing their lips with eachother, they stay there just like that for some seconds just lip on eachother but after sometime they moved their lips kissing eachother passionately it was slow at first then it got sloppy they were sucking eachother lips, biting eachother lips, they detected their lips when they needed air, he moved his focus on Felix neck again, trying to find his sweat spot there, when he found it he started to suck harder,  that felix shuddered from the pleasure. Felix started to get hard from sucking.

"I want you daddy" felix moaned in the boy ear, "baby wish is my command " he replied kissing felix lips once again, still kissing felix his hand trailed down towards felix waistband, felix put up his hips so that his jeans can be easily removed, he chuckled at felix eagerness then started to kiss again removing felix jeans, after jeans being removed, felix was only on his boxers, after removing the boxers also felix was naked like a newborn baby.

He stared at felix "you are beautiful doll"  he said kissing felix on forehead, felix blushed because of the compliment he got and the way the boy was looking at him. Felix feels special now. His blushing turned to moaning when the boy started to move his hand on him, he started to stroke it lightly at first that made Felix shudder, felix started to moan.

The boy started to move his hand fast, making felix moaning, felix got some weirdly good feel on his stomach when he was getting close The boy stopped his hand.

"Not so soon baby"

Felix pouted looking at the boy, he looked at the boy who was dressed still he slightly got up started removing the boy t shirt giving him kisses all over his body his neck his chest his abs, when he started to remove his jeans, the boy stoped him, felix got startled is he gonna back out now making him feel this good now they are gonna stop. He looks at the boy in confusion and disheartened face.

The boy smiled at Felix's look then shook his head at Felix's cuteness. He removed his pants and boxers himself, going closer to Felix again he kissed his nose first then layed felix down, felix got relaxed on laying on bed boy above him, "I need to prepare you first baby " he said kissing felix neck, felix hummm to give approvel, boy goes closer to felix rim and start to prepare him, at first it was little painful for Felix, but after sometime felix started to ask for more, when he thought felix is ready for it, he looks for protection near the bed drawer and pumping himself he put it on and goes near Felix again. Felix shuddered at thing near his rim, "just relax it will feel good after some time" he said making felix relax a little, he started going inside felix little by little so that felix don't feel pain, both of them groaned at the feeling, felix feel a little painful at first but when boy was Fully inside him.

He stared to give felix kisses to distract him from pain, they stayed like this for sometime then felix said he is good now, he started move inside felix after one or two times he moved inside felix, felix started to moan now asking for more, he was going slow on Felix almost making love to him, but felix started to ask to go faster, he started to pound on Felix. Making his moaning mess, felix was sweating from all the pleasure he is getting
"I'm close" both said together.

After that both found their climaxes together, Felix felt exhausted after the practice they did together but the boy was not stopping there.

After two more rounds Felix felt himself getting sleepy so he just slept without cleaning himself, The boy cleaned both of them with a towel he found in the bathroom then covered him and felix on the blanket, he just hoped Felix won't get mad after what they did. He just hopes for felix for not regretting it tomorrow because he can't regret it nor can he forget about it.

Felix sleep got disturbed by sunlight, when he tried to get up he found himself being pressed to someone chest, he panicked first then n tried to remember it, they were playing game, he got dare, he grabbed chris hand, they had steamy night together, now chan will forget about his boyfriend, he was smiling thinking about this, he turned to look at chris morning face.

It was not chris face that he saw

it's hyunjin, his face covered with his long hairs blocking his face. Felix's eyes widened, he opened his mouth then closed it, he was shocked he spent the night together with hyunjin. He remembered Chris was sitting beside him then how the hell hyunjin is the one he grabbed and took him to the guest room. He gives his virginity to hyunjin.

Felix was fighting with himself, he didn't notice hyunjin opening his eyes and looking at him curiously.

"If you are staring because I'm handsome then you can take a picture" hyunjin said winking at felix

Felix made a disgusted face and in a flash he was out of hyunjin hold but he forgot he was naked.

"Are you trying to seduce me again baby"  hyunjin said looking at felix teasingly

Felix blushed at his nakedness then he grabbed his clothes from the floor making his way towards the bathroom but before entering he said "forget about last night it was a mistake, don't you dare to tell about this to Minho or chris or anyone on this planet"  felix glared at hyunjin then went inside bathroom.

It was my first smut chapter
I'm shy but tried to give it a try
Tell me how it is

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