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Hyunjin comes out of the Minho room after taking a shower. He went towards the kitchen to see felix sitting on a table beside the kitchen. There were two bowls placed on the table. Felix was scrolling his phone not touching his food.

"Were you waiting for me lixiee" hyunjin asked Felix with a smirk planting on his face. Felix looks at hyunjin then ignored him and started eating his food. (He was waiting for hyunjin but he won't say it loud). Hyunjin sat down looking at felix who was ignoring him. They both were eating without saying anything, suddenly felix said "What were you talking with that girl" felix asked hyunjin trying to seem normal. Like he don't care about it.

Hyunjin tried to hide his smile "why do you want to know that, are you jealous my baby" hyunjin said looking at Felix who wide his eyes then started to glare at hyunjin. "Mee....... Jealous... Because of you....huhhh you wishfelix replied to hyunjin in a mocking manner. Hyunjin doesn't mind that. "I wish for more than that" hyunjin said to Felix winking at him.

Felix was cursing himself for asking hyunjin something or talking to him. Felix finished his food and go to sink to wash it. After washing it drying his hand. He went out of the kitchen towards his room with out glancing at hyunjin. Hyunjin chuckled at felix, he can see felix is annoyed. He find it amusing that felix want's to find out what hyunjin and mina were talking about. After finishing his food he too went to his room to rest.


Hyunjin woke up next morning and go to the washroom to shower and do his morning routine. Hyunjin goes out of his room, he saw the kitchen is empty. Felix is not awake still. He went to look at felix room, hyunjin carefully open the door without making a sound, he peak from the door to see felix sleeping peacefully, felix looking like an angel, felix hairs are shattered on his face hiding his star like freakles.
Hyunjin admire him forgetting about his class. Hyunjin was standing there for two minutes admiring felix, suddenly his phone notification ringed. Hyunjin looked at his phone then at Felix, hyunjin had a smile on his face, he carefully closed the felix room door and go out of the dorm room towards his art class.

Felix woke up when someone knocked on the dorm room door, he went out to open the door. Peter was standing outside looking at him smilingly but he was not alone Peter was with Minho who was rising his eyebrows at felix. "You were sleeping?" Minho asked Felix who still looks sleepy. Felix felt so sleepy because he was thinking about what was happening between hyunjin and mina. Felix didn't even noticed peter and Minho holding hand, felix went inside, he went straight to his washroom to do his daily routine, felix walk out of his bathroom with towel wrapping around his waist. He went to his closest to pull out clothes to wear, he wore a pink hoodie with ripped denim jeans. He put some lip tint on his lips and goes out of his room.

"Wait........................Minho did you just kiss my best friend!" Felix give questioning look to his brother and his best friend. Peter had a horrified look on his face with a tint of blush. Minho had a smug look on his face looking at his brother felix who was looking at them with widen eye, confused look.

"Lix we were about to tell you about us, but I had to make peter talk to me first." Minho said looking at his brother who was still confused. "Wait when did this happen you just moved here in Australia, when did you two become close." Felix give them suspicious look. Peter smack his lips ignoring Felix eyes.

"Ummm............... lix you are the reason we talked, you remember, the day you didn't attend your phone.........." Minho started to say

"The day peter called you baby girl!" Felix excitedly said. Peter sniffled his laugh. Minho chuckled remembering that day.

"Yeah.... I called again that day but peter pick up again....... And he stole my number from your phone..... So we got to know each other until................your best friend decide it is best for us to not to talk." Minho was telling felix at the end of the saying it his voice getting smaller and a hurt expression showing on Minho face. Peter grabbed Minho hand assuring him that he is not going away this Time.



This was the reason you made alot of girlfriend in a month." Felix said looking at Peter. Glaring at his soul. Peter eyes widened when felix mentioned girlfriend. Peter didn't even tried to look at Minho.

"Girlfriend....... Girlfriends?" Minho chuckled darkly looking at Peter who was looking anywhere but Minho side.

"So what are you guys now.... Are you..... In relationship." Felix asked looking at Peter and Minho, Peter was still avoiding Minho eyes. Minho looked at Peter to answer that. When peter took to much time. "I think Peter loves his girlfriend so NO." minho said sarcasticly looking at Peter. Whose eyes widened.

"Minho that's not true" peter said looking at Minho who looks mad now, peter didn't got enough time to tell him about his experiments finding about his feelings.

"Ohhh is that so than what about your girlfriends" Minho said scowling his face when he said the last part. Peter looks at felix who has an amused look on his face. Felix never saw his brother this jealous.

"Felix said had not have I don't have anyone and I don't want anyone beside you" peter said to Minho holding his hand and giving him loving eyes, Minho melted at the way peter was looking at him.

Felix cleared his throat to make them realise he is still there, "let's go to class it's late and Peter I'm gonna talk to you later" felix said the last part to peter giving him knowing look, Peter gluped then followed felix who is going out of dorm.

Three of them entered the room, they made their way to the corner. Felix and Minho were talking about their family. Minho including peter on their talk also.

"Who is the girl with hyunjin" peter said pointing at the door, hyunjin and mina entered the class linking their hands. Hyunjin made his way towards his friends taking mina with him. Who cheerfully said hello to them.

"Hyunjin you didn't told you got a girlfriend." Minho asked hyunjin bumping his arms. "What did I miss, I was not coming to class for two days and you got a girlfriend" peter said looking at hyunjin with teasing look. Hyunjin just chuckled at them. But didn't deny mina being his girlfriend.

Felix glaring at the way hyunjin and mina were holding hands. He was waiting for hyunjin to deny mina being his girlfriend but hyunjin didn't deny it.

That means yesterday mina come to practice room to ask hyunjin out and now they are dating. It's irked felix the way both are smiling talking to Minho. Not leaving eachother hands. Felix tried to ignore it but hyunjin not talking to him, not making any comments about felix. Making this difficult to felix to ignore.

"That stupid idiots ferret" felix mumbled silently.

What do you think why did hyunjin and mina is dating does something happened or she knows something........
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