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Hello my lovely readers
I was thinking which one to post first minsung or hyunlix
I got minsung vote so
I'm posting it for you

peter (han ) pov.

When I woke up the next day I did my morning routine and went out to meet lix in front of the academy, we didn't take art class because it's not our thing. I usually write lyrics to pass time and lix always stay with me.

Lix and me made our way to the cafeteria to eat something because I didn't have breakfast.

We were standing on the line to order something. After ordering a chessecake and ice americano.
We sat on the seat.

I took out my phone and messaged him



I'm not your daddy

But you can be;)

I'm not interested in that

That hurts
Anyways what are you doing

Tired from my dance practice

You dance?

Yeah I'm from dancing major

You should have
come here with lix

Naah I don't want to leave
Mom dad alone

Lix miss them
sometimes too

Yeah I know he
do FaceTime alot

We can do it if
you want to daddy

I don't
Don't call me daddy

Why not
You look like one;)

I need to tell lix
his friend is mental

I didn't told him
I'm chatting with you

Why are you hiding that

Maybe he will not like it
I don't know
But like I said
I want you
To be my friend

I doubt that
you want me
To be your friend only

What do you think then


Come on
Tell me

I'm busy


I put my phone down lix was looking at me. He is giving me look why I'm smiling so much. I can't tell him I'm talking to his brother what if he doesn't like it.

I my self don't know why I want to talk to him. I'm straight I like girls I never thought about boys but with Minho it's different I want to talk to him more know about him more.

ANNOYED AT FIRST SIGHT  (HYUNLIX FF)Where stories live. Discover now