8 hyunlix

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Third person pov.

After mr. Jung class felix was furious he was ignoring chris and Peter because they don't let him speak up. He won't speak to them in other class also they attended vocal and rap class with out felix saying anything to them.

Hyunjin was happy now he can annoy felix more, looking at Felix face he finds him adorable, he wants to pinch his cheeks but he doesn't want to die today. Because the way felix is huffing and glaring at everyone. He knows for sure he is gonna blast soon.

They said bye to each other and went towards their dorm room.
After felix and chris entered their dorm room.

"Sam I'm advising you don't annoy him tomorrow or else he is gonna blast" peter said looking at hyunjin.

"I will try " hyunjin smirkingly said looking at Peter

They went inside their room to shower when they both come out hyunjin said they need to do some groceries shopping.


After doing the shopping outside they come back to their dorm room and went to the kitchen to make some noodles, because they both were tired to make anything else today. They said good night to eachother and went inside their room.

Peter was lying on his bed scrolling through his phone, his phone started ringing, he switch off his phone. He was staring at his wall, after sometime he slept thinking about the phone call.

Next day

Hyunjin woke up from his alarm and start doing his morning routine
After doing his routine he went out to the kitchen to make something for him and Peter.

Peter walked out yawning he was inhaling the air saying what is hyunjin making

"I made some pancakes and smoothies, I hope you like that" hyunjin said looking at sleepy peter

"I just love it wait I'll come back in ten minutes" peter said running to his room to do his morning routine

When he come outside he saw hyunjin is scrolling his phone waiting for him to come and eat with him. He felt so happy to be hyunjin roommate.

After the morning breakfast made by hyunjin, they went out to go to their own destination, hyunjin went to art class and Peter went to find felix, he knows felix is angry with him because he won't let him refuse to instructor yesterday.

He knocked their dorm room, chris opened the room welcoming him inside, there is felix siting on his bed still avoiding them, chris and Peter look at eachother, they know they need to talk to him.

"Felix you need to understand instructor wanted you both on the occasion together" chris said looking at Peter who is just nodding at chris word looking at Feli.

Felix huffed


Peter controlled his laugh because the name he gave hyunjin suits him but he doesn't want to make felix more mad. He looked at chris to see amusement at Felix yelling and calling cute name to hyunjin.

ANNOYED AT FIRST SIGHT  (HYUNLIX FF)Where stories live. Discover now