Introduction To The Grace of GOD.

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-- This story is a true stroy of something that is happening to a young man who is on earth as we speak... He will hear my story and day by day will change and turn to God. (That's one thing.)
--- This story idea i got from reading MARK - the parable and teaching about Riches and Money... I will write up this parable as soon as I have written these first chapters. (I'll explain myself.)
Theodore (Michael) has /Commanded/ me to let HIM write this book himself and publish it in his own name, and i will let him do so, but i would like to work on my own version too to give him an idea of the story and each chapter. This is chapter one. (Based on jesus Christ's Life. - The Holy Bible.) - To understand the story fully, one would have to understand the parable. Wait for my explanation asap.

Introduction - Part one.

Would you bloody believe it, but i used to be awwweeeessssooome, a really EPICLY awesome person, but it wasn't of my doing, of was it? Was it all an illusion? I was load, boastful about myself, proud, sociable, always laughing and joking, the very light of the crowd. You would have been magnatised to me. I was highly charasmatic, and i was greatly admired and everybody was inspired by me... but is was not without a great secret on my part that I was this way. It was not who i am... it was not who i really was... I was secretly under the influence of drugs.
I'd grown up a shy, quiet, anxious, SCARED and silent boy, and had suffered abuse and trauma, and my older brother and I had been taken away from home and put into care, now when we were with a foster family when I was 11 years old, my brother and his friends told me that they were taking drugs and offered me them... it started off with cannabis and salvia, but i felt such GREAT RELIEF, and i found like magic mind control, my entire character and personality changed into somebody i no longer hated but acrually LIKED, and nobody knew what i was doing, but I suddently had confidence and everybody loved me and was drawn to me... I'd had a lot of trauma in my life, and this was the only way that i could COPE.
I was about to find that i had to become an entrely new person all over again and find a better, the best and a different way of coping and living, a life without drugs, a life where i would become a perfect person and would experience true happiness and bliss, and one day my foster father --- when I was 19 years old --- had left a Holy Bible out on the side and I took a glace at a teaching and Parable of Jesus Christ which was about riches and money.... well, i thought it meant to give away money to the poor, sell your home and become homeless and this would mean you would go to Heaven.. I questioned whether I would go to Heaven or not... I may have had a bad habbit, but i wasn't a bad person by any means of the word. I was a lovely person, if i fet destroyed inside, and i didn't see the drugs as anything bad but something that helped me.
...Over the years I'd long been taking up to 4 or 5 different substances a day, hours apart or at the same time as each other, and i really had no idea, i didn't know how my body would react long term to this... not that i was at all damanged health wise but i had always been in good health, but that after years I had built up a tollerance and my body had built an aimmune sytem towards the intoxication, and one day all of a sudden, (without any problems ever before) I suffered an allergic reaction to Herione, Exctacy, Crystal meth and cocaine..... And then my entire life was on the line, hanging on a knife edge. I'd never considered God or Jesus or had any Faith, but now would would anyone do but Pray, knowing they would see dead certainly if not? 

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