Chapter Twenty-Two - The Grace of GOD - Ending Chapter

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In 24 hours.... was Pauls funeral... but... he was no where to be found. The day before the funeral, about 3-4 hours after he had been pronounced dead, he had gone missing and the directors believed he was in the back of a coffin car... but his body was NOT inside at all, and the flashy white linen was untouched of the driver was clueless.... the funeral was cancelled, and I pannicked, and then suddenly as I called his phone I felt a hand on my shoulder, "PAUL!!!!" I screamed, I turned around and there he was smiling at me, and he said, "I have gone to Heaven and come back to look after you.... I've spoken to your guardian Angel, God and Jesus and they say you cannot live without me." he looked at what I was doing... I had a knife to my wrist and he took it from me, "everybody thought you were dead..."
"I was. I went to Heaven. I've returned an Angel."
"I don't want you to die!! You can't die!!!"
"I went cold turkey. Turns out its not the taking of the drugs that kills you... it either getting an allergic reaction or suddently stopping them with no medical solution. Turns out the safest thing to do is to keep taking but moderatly, not oveerdosing, but then always, always, always have antidotes on you too. i stopped... for about a day with nothing... and didn't wake up. I remember walkling into Heaven but walking down to you on earth and you were trying to call me... and you were scared.. and i couldn't see that look of fear on your face... i couldn't see that look of fear."
"MY BROTHER, MY PAUL!!!" I ran into his arms, "An Angel!" he said,
"We're right rebel Angels."
"NOW will you take the medical solution drugs program?"
"That I will, I promise you."
We walked back to Pauls apparentment, and it was completely clear... and i gave him some of my own dosage while he got his own, figuring i was ready to go lower in the dose... and the CIA had set up cameras but had seen him go - they were the ones who had called the ambulance - but had never seen him return........... he was just suddenly there behind me. I asked if he knew why i had seen the double of him?
he said, "That will forever be a mystery to us all. Perhaps it was my Guardian Angel taking my form and telling you that i would never leave and am always there by your side."

We both made full recoveries, and won the case because in the end... we could and did prove our inoocence, and all along we were really, really, really, really good people. Paul had another surprise. He had already arranged the wedding and paid for it - the very next week... and we celebrated his life then too, and we all had a feeast, and paul's partner and Paul, and I and Charlie-Jane had both a son and a daughter, and we moved away to live in Canada in oakville, and we both helped in a drugs programe and were paid very well, and we lived happily, and when we have gone through our struggles and experience bless, this is what we call salvation, and this end of suffering and entering bliss is called the grace of God.

The End. 


Angel Mary ClementFri, Feb 16, 11:14 AMto Angel, Aryia, Caitlin, me, SacredThis Parable is jesus talking about the personality and perfection, traits and characteristics of God His father The Lord and how they difrentiate from human and mans traits and comprehention... In this Prable, The Fther is completely Of God obeying his every commandment and only doing the Will of GOD. The Father only loves his children... no matter what thier mistakes or flaws or wrongdoings, he FORGIVES them, UNDERSTANDS them, has the uttermost PATIENCE with them, and without judgement, he waits for them to return to HIM and as long as they do not deny The Father, he welcomes them with open arms and they enter His home (The Kingdom of GOD) and there is a feast layed out for them.... this is about how GOD IS GOOD, God is Light, God is kind, caring, gentle, empathetic, and the perfect God and father. he never stopped lobing his children no matter what they did - only wanted them to be found again and come to him... the other son is the example of us as humans and how we tend to hold a record of wongs, hold judgement and find it difficult to forgive... this story is telling us to be fearless before GOD, and to let us know that GOD IS LOVE! If only the other son would just speak to his father, he will also be just as accepted, and in talking to his brother he would come to an understanding, and then through God and jesus Christ, he would also forgive him and all will be well, as this would rely on the father and the good will of Gods people to obey gods commands and do the will and work of God. (Both sons had work for God to do, and God speaks that they both made the father proud of them and HE loved them for all they did.) And as long as one turns to god and worships the father, they are given eternal life and all thier sins would be forgiven. This has to be blessed and forgiven by the father and the son becuase no man in the humans court would ever see otherwise and forgive ultimate sins, but GOD and jesus alone can and will and do. This is why we should let God be the judge of us, and not even judge ourselves, because look what happened when the child judged himself or let himself be judges by another childs standards.... this is why law should be changed to the commands and will of God, through the teachings of Jesus, because manmade law causes punnishment, pentalities and injustice. This is mainly about family and forgiveness of family members, father and his children, and brothers and sisters, should all the most of all love each other and forgive each other, this be the most difficult thing to do, but every parent loves thier children unconditionally.

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