Chapter Ten - And if you see that ribbon around the old oak tree...

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Paul had texted the next morning to tell peter that he could not make it in that day. Paul hadn't used the harder drugs since what his younger brother had experienced due to too much shock and trauma... and being scared... and I guess he just NEEDED to know that Peter was alright, and more than that, he couldn't have anything bad or similar happen to him when his brother so needed him... he had only smoked cannabis alone and not much at that, anyway, Peter and Paul considered cannabis to be a medicine rather than a drug... They were both campaigning for it to be made legal in the UK. (On facebook and everything!) but this day, midway through the week, peter knew that paul had relapsed and was back to using the drugs, and that he hadn't yet been to a doctor. Paul had texted him that he was getting a different visitor this day... a secret, he said. 
Now, who could this be? He didn't want to expose to anybody that he was in hospital because he had overdosed and was near death..(They'd told people it was a bad case of fever and flu, but that Peter had wanted no visitors... just incase anybody found out that wasn't the case after all!)... or rather, had died and been brought back to life by God and Jesus, and was jesus GOD? Ot were they different? Was Jesus's Gods son or a God? peter mussed... and then suddenly Charlie-Jane walked in through the door with a plastic bag in her hand, and a yellow scented card. 

"Hello there!!!" She welcomed him cheerfully, "soooo what got you into here?!"
"If i told you, would you judge me, help me or leave me?"
"You don't seem to have a fever.. have you?"
"No.... I don't... I'm so happy to see you! Sit here, sit here!!! And tell me what you would do."
Charlie-Jane just insisted that she would never judge him, he was her best friend and soul mate and she loved him, that she was only there to help him, she just wanted to help... she said she was worried and concerned about him, said that he could ALWAYS speak to her about anything and she would do her best to help or even just to listen - she was a good listener... she insisted exitedly, though, through her concern, "Come on" Tell me! tell me! tell me!"
"You tell me something first, something so important to you and secret that nobody else yet knows.... perhaps one person in your life...."
"Allllright. OooK. Well. I'm pregnant, I THINK, and i came to see you, because, you know, he's yours. I think he's a baby boy... he's the only one who knows. I think everybody would judge me if they knew, would you leave me or stay?"
Peter KNEW this baby was HIS... Charlie-jane was true, loyal and trustworthy, she was far too modest and her morels too good, an absolute sense of right and wrong that was in tact, and she would never cheat or play around, he knew now... "Are you in love with me?"
"Yeeees... I am..." she said, and they imbraced, and he said he would tell her, and suddenly he burst out crying and spoke out about everything... he told every all of it, everything that had happened and why and when and how... and she just held him in her arms and kept repeating, "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's alright... I'm here..." she said, "I'm here... and we're going to help." She said she had somebody who could help. Peter made her promise to be in a relationship with him and said he would stop taking at all costs if he was going to be a father... This lit his heart on fire.

Charlie-Jane had to leave.... when she walked out, he daydremed about how completely naturally beautiful she was, how she never needed to wear make up, she wasn't superficial or societies idea of what stunning is, but she was so naturally beautiful, she didn't even have to try to be stunning... and she was. She was 17 years old, and would be more than capable of being a mother, and his dream was coming true: Of being a father, but he still had to face his problem, as did Paul.... and Charlie-Jane hadn't judged at all: Perhaps she could be his true love?

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