Chapter Nine - The Grace of GOD.

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The last night peter had woken up at exactly 3:30am and the lights flickered on an off in his room, and then it seemed to be that all elctricity went. peter was looking out at the moonlight out the window when he looked ar the chest of draws to see two figures looking like... in the form of men... but masses of black standing there, and they started walking towards him... then he saw his Guardian Angel move from him over to The Holy Bible which was on the desk and touch it... & the two entities dissapeared. Peter had paees out in fear... but all the lights and electricity had come back. He woke up the next morning and asked if there had been a powerc ut in the night and if any men had been in his room? No. Absolutely nothing like that at all. He was in a aplace of safety. 
Peter and Paul put this down to a spiritual experience. 
Peter began reading The Holy Bible the next day, amongst the Wayne Dyer books, and stumbled upon a Parable and Teaching of Jesus Christ about Riches and money, recognising it from the necklace his Guardian Angel carried, he explained it in his own words........... 


"The riches and money are not meaning actual wealth of coins and paper notes, once again, it was a parable and Jesus spoke symbolism! This is symbolising all that is good and bad within you, and all aspects of yourself and your character and personalities, hobbies, traits, weaknesses and strengths, and is meaning that one cannot serve themselves or anyone on earth and cover themselves in special certain clothes and jewels, and may have all the belongings in the world or be the best most proud person of themselves that there is, but this is of no worth if one does not have GOD in their lives, or any Faith in God, nor do they follow jesus.... because what comes out of them - say, their final payment - will be sour and rotten, and the riches inside oneself must be Holy and faithful, and your money which is your entire being and person must be a temple to God and you must devote yourself to God and follow Jesus only, not follow and worship men as idols or false idols --- this is the riches and money that you have to give to the poor, meaning that you need to cast it out, this unfaithful and unbelieving and negative part of yourself, and give it as an example to others who have yet to turn to God of who you WERE and who you have become now so that the poor might become rich, and now your money '(yourself, who you are, your entire being) belongs to God and serves God and your riches are all the positive aspects of yourself and the light that is within you that God wil let shine to the world (Jesus's parables all relate to each other!) but you cannot see men of high status or false idols as the ones your money goes to, if you are of God, you cannot serve both but must choose one or the other, because this then relates to that God wishes you to be hot or cold, not luke warm, lest he spew you out of his mouth, and this, by the way, means that GOD will speak to you and show you that GOD IS, and then you will stand before God and jesus (Gods peaking is when he spews you out of his moth) and this quote means that GOD WILL COMMAND YOU, and one will either obey Gods commands or not... and then become either hot or cold, and those who deny God and Jesus - staying cold, will suffer the fires of hell, but those who turn to God will enter God's Kingdom....

Regarding this, this parable and teachings continues to say that this COMPLETE and UTTER change of person and personality from an athiest of a worshipper of false idols entirely and completely turning into a servant of God, and therefore becomming an Angel such as a Victory or saint Angel IS something that is impossible for man to do ---- we are so stuck in our personlaities and ways, and we cannot change ourself so much as to be completely renewed... unless GOD IS aaand... GOD IS, and God and jesus make this possible, and a person can be c ompletely renewed and reborn and changed as a person by baptism from jesus Christ with the holy spirit, and through great Prayer, and through fastings and blessings, and these people will be seen to completely turn naround thier lives, and no longer will they serve money, but God, and thier riches will be of Godly things, and thier reward is The Kingdom of Heaven of GOD and eternal life."

At the bottom somebody holy controlled his hand to write: This is the Truth. GOD Has Spoken, and signed their name: Jesus Christ.

Peter was folooded with happiness, despite the dreariness of the krankenhouse stay... (he didn't see how anyone could ever stay in here for any longer lest they die from boredom!)  But he had taken to studying The Word of GOD and had many things written down.... Soon, he'd have other Prayers and information to write all together, which would save his life.

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