Chapter Seven - The Grace of GOD.

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peter had a lot of complaints to make about the hospital stay which was above all a boring week in the hospital, and his complaining came on a tuesday at 4:30pm once he'd woken up on the previous Saterday morning. (being admitted on the saterday morning.) Well, he didn't too much care for the food, and missed take aways and most of all: consuming alcahol, which was strictly forbidden by the hospital. He didn't have anything to do in the first day or so but sit in the dining room area attached to wires with noddeles in him, so wasn't yet going down to the cafe, but in the dining area he would sip on as much tea and coffee as he could take haha. Then he had the bright idea of texting Paul to ask him to please bring in some books, pen and paper and finally his boredom died down a little. He was complaining about the TV channels too as he would prefer to play Xbox or playstation, and the lack of social life... which had just been Paul up untill now... and he had ended up sneaking food from the meals into his bedside table as they had set mealtimes and he would be hungry at night time. he felt like he was in chains as his only outdoors going was outside the front doors to smoke a cigatette, and it was cold out, very cold, but he still wished he could venture to the shops and buy his own cigarettes and drink, and didn't like that he had to rely on Paul so much.
Paul listened intently and then asked what exactly the medical treatement they were giving peter here was? 
Well, first, Peter was concerned about the social workers involvement again, but Paul said they had left completely and utterly when Pater had turned 19 years old and he didn't have to worry about them ever coming back. Paul also said that the police were moving Peter away from home and had asked Paul if he could move in with him... (They didn't know about Pauls own drug use... but this Paul WOULD reveal as he too would soon come around to TRUSTING enough to get help.) or whether peter would prefer to go into a shelter or rent a room and a home on the job seekers benefit? Peter had said that he didn't want to layden Paul and his girlfriend - he knew they only had a small shared appartment and he would have to sleep on the sofa with their dog, so... he decided to put it upon himself to go to a homeless shelter instead, but this be in a week from now - Paul was due to leave the hospital the next Sunday afternoon, latest monday morning. He would have to go back to the hospital or to a Specialist doctor and psychiatrist each day for this medication, which was part of the drugs program, which Peter explained to Paul that it was really, really, really good, because he was taking Methadone, yes, but it was absolutely Impossible to simply come off of such hardcore drugs from one step to another going cold turkey, especially from the use of over 6 different drugs just with methadone alone.. so he was allowed to be prescribed a lower dosage of the drugs every so often (to begin with, each day, and then spacing out this time again month by month), and the dose would be lowered over time until he could just cope with the methadone, and then eventually he would be able to be taken off of that medicine too - and by that time, he would be completely clean and would quit the drug use.
"That's excellent!!" said paul, and he meant it, infact he meant it so much that he would consider it himself... but he too was terrified of the authorities. Peter asked him if he had been using since Peter had almost....... lost his life?
Paul answered that quite honestly, he'd been so shocked and traumatised by the experience that he had completely stopped so far and the most he had had was cannabis, but both boys believed cannabis to be a medicine more than a drug and were joining in the campaign to legalise it, and this was correct. 
However, Paul was not on the medical proceedure drugs programme... and was suffering withdrawl symptoms and side effects from stopping that were causing him syptoms of something near insanity!! The next day Paul sent a text to say that he could not come in to see pater because he out of it, not in the right state of mind, and he didn't write in the text that he had started again, but Peter knew that he had. Peter also knew that he would again be able to come in to see him the day after once he had because.........well......he's be feeling better...... he just stopped and was able to cope with that because he had to know that Peter was alright and had lived first... it was psychological and the will power of the mind and body and it made sense to Peter. 
Peter was paranoid about the same thing happening to Paul, though, and he was worried about something else too and that was that he had showed up as having an allergy to the drugs, which he had never had before or at least wasn't aware of and now knew that he would need the methadone to take and to save his life, and he knew that he could never go back to using them without, or ever go back to using them again if ever he stopped needing the methadone too, but he would have to be clean forever... without a single relapse, because it would take his life, easily, and this time he was certain he wouldn't make it.
Peter wanted to talk to Paul about his worries... because he wasn't sure that he was strong enough to do it... but Paul couldn't come in that next day and instead sent a text saying that he was having some stranger come to visit him! Peter wondered.... (they had both made excuses as to why peter was in hospital and paul had told everybody that Peter didn't feel like having visitors so that they wouldn't find out that those excuses weren't exactly true...!) so Paul was mystified, but he had his heart set on, could it just be, Charlie-Jane?

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