Chapter Fourteen - The Covenant with God: A Baptism

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I, Peter, had planned to become baptised. I wanted a christening too, for my baby...and for myself haha, I wanted a blessing and a prayers, and I wanted a passover - a breaking of bread. With real good quality wine and homebaked white bread by myself, but Christopher said he was more than willing to do so, and I read out my prayer to him in which I had written to God and Jesus that I wanted some promises made to God and Jesus from mself that I would:
1. Always worship and love God and i would tell him that I love him every day, and he must know that I mean every word,
2. That i would always pray and read and study the holy bible
3. That I wouldvow to go to chrch whenever possible (unless i was away, which reminded me that i need a new passport... i would do with a holiday! For Paul, Charlie and i! I dreamed about going to Iceland...) I told God and Jesus this.
4. I promised to Pray every day on paper and in words, putting my hands together and to pray before every meal, first thing in the morning and to say the lords Prayer before bed.
5. I promised to write my life and problems out in Prayers... for Gods court, I said, and I smiled, laughed and winked and said I would be asking the priest his life story of how he became a priest and would write his autobiography for and With him, which made Christopher laugh and become most interested... he said, "i have a difficult story too, but i was truly blessed by God by the end. Now I am a new man full of the grace of God."
6. I promised that if i could prove myself worthy to God and Jesus I would love to be created a holy Angel as my reward in The Kingdom of GOD.
7. I promised to stop taking the drugs and dedicate my life, somehow, in some way, to helping, saving and protecting people....
8. (As I didn't know what this line of work would be...) I told God to give me any work to do for Him in my life, that was his will
9. I promised to always obey Gods commandments and do HIS Will
10. I vowed and promised to be the best father i could be to my baby boy, Charlie was certain she was having a son...
and last of all, I said that I1. I promised myself in marriage to Charlie-jane, which i wanted Christopher to read out... my marriage proposal in the church before i was baptised... Especially for Charlie-Jane to hear and say "I DO." I would be buying the rings this week, the week inbetween leaving the hospital and the baptism.

I need there to be a basen of water, like a bath tub in the church... Christopher lyon said that this, they had, I names some hymns that i wanted singing, and I was going to ask paul to buy the invitations from a wedding dress and outfit shop and anywhere he could find them if not sold there, just the prettiest cards he could find, and post them into the postboxes of everyone we knew.

I had about 16,000 pounds saved up in my savings account still. This should be enough to buy two engagement rings and weddings rings, and i wanted an eternity ring too... I needed help paying for a wedding, though, and this i would have to figure out, but i had the idea of donations from people at the church? Christopher said that he would most certainly ask and he was certain everybody would be more than giving!!!

Christopher Reed was the forth person i'd told... first God, then Jesus, then Golden, and then him, and Charlie-Jane would be told --- i was seeing her next tomorrow, the day before I left, but the proposal was a surprise, a secret....

That afternoon, after Christopher left, one of my best friends came in to see me. His name was Daniel, and I wasn't expecting what would happen at all....  

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