Chapter 11 - Christopher Reed.

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Peter took to crying and crying and crying for about half a day and all night long after Charlie-Jane left, for various reasons, because he was so happy and because he was in such a mess.... and he didn't know if he could succeed. He was determined to, though, and he asked for the other medicine too which was Suboxone. 
The next morning, Charlie-Jane had sent somebody to help him.... and this was the turest of truest miracles: A very holy and faithful person.. an elderly man.. who was... a priest. The prist welcomed Peter saying he was meeting a child of God in great need, so he had been told, and he was there for his every need... He introduced himself as Chistopher Reed.
peter found he could stop crying and really opened up to this holy man, and let him in. He told him about his experience a few nights before, and he showed him the explanation of his parable and teaching of Jesus Christ - Charlisopher said that this was what he had believed the symbolism was about too! Excellent, lovely, perfact! Peter asked Christopher Reed if God would send people to hell for continuing to use drugs after God had saved them from them.... he told mr.Lyon about his going to Heaven and meeting GOD, Jesus and his own Guardian Angel, and Christpher told him, "GOD Spoke to you: You are in The Kingdom of GOD."
"what do you think God thinks about drugs?"
"i believe that GOD would turn them into a medical usage if he could by modifying them and mixing them with medical chemicals and compounds, and then using them to treat certain conditions, perhaps using, as you take, methadone and other medcines at the same time, but perhaps if they could be modicied and made into medicines, there would be no need for this?" 
"That's the most brilliant idea!" said peter, "by the way, can you see him?"
Peter pointed to his side.... standing by the door... was the devil... pointing at Peter evily and maliciously... "Sell your soul to me, and you will always be happy, i will give you riches and fame and anything you wish for in life." 
Charisopher said that he could hear God speaking to worship, honour, glorify and give praise to your lord God Allah The Almighty only, and turn to him for help, and with all your problems Pray... only GOD can give you happiness and salvation - when one became truly blessed, this was called the grace of GOD. Peter opened his mouth to rebuke the devil Satan and to tell him he chooses GOD over him, and will never turn, but Christopher Reed put his hands to his lips and said to "ignore the beasts at all costs - do not give them the time or light of day nor waste your words on them.... ignore the devil, do not ever speak to it, this is a command from God, and it will flee from you."
The Priest asked peter if he repented his sins and Peter said, " I am! I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so sorry for what i did and i would not do it again, and if i could go back and change it, i would! This is repenting, isn't it?"
"This is repenting. Here now, let us pray. I will give you a blessing." 
Peter asked for more than that, he asked that as soon as he was ready, he would like to be baptised, and ready he was. And with that Prayer and blessing, peters entire person began to change and become somebody entirely new.... 
"But could you see him?" peter insisted, satan now far, far, far away....
"That... I could." 
The priest was the kindest and gentlest of men, and when he left peter was left thinking he had met an Angel. 

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