A Fucking Happy Day In Hell

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"Don't be ridiculous, how many times do we have to go over this?  The answer is NO!  You keep up with these foolish antics and one day you're going to see what happens when you defy the Word of the Heavens!"

"But if we could just-"

"Lucifer!  You may be the Morningstar but that doesn't mean you can do as you please, there is order to be held and that is what we intend to do!"  No one could fathom the events from the beginning of time, the creation of the World was something both beautiful and frightening, and with it came many choices on what path should be taken.  It was also a delicate time for mistakes to have grave consequences and no one knew that more than Lucifer Morningstar.

                                      Secluded in his tower somewhere within the Pride Ring, Lucifer kept to himself within Hell, tinkering and creating duckie toys for his amusement while the rest of the world moved on without him.  The King of Hell had lost contact with his family and over time he fell into depression about what happened in his past, the Royal family was nowhere to be seen but that didn't stop the progression of the City.  No one had seen the King in years, the true Lucifer a mystery to all, though being on his own didn't put the man in his right state of mind.

"Can't believe I made a fire breathing back flipping rubber duck, ah wha..." his phone going off, Lucifer would see that it was Charlie calling him, he'd freak out while looking around nervously, though he called her five months ago it was a brief chat and one he didn't recall all that well since he'd been lost in his own world.

"Hey Charlie, how's it going? Oh, a... right, yes that's uh... you did mention that.  Huh?  How's that going for ya?"  One would say he had been an absentee parent for years but that didn't mean he didn't care for his little girl, having left her with two little guards to ensure she was looked after.  Upon hearing her request to speak to Heaven, he dropped his cup of tea to cough,

"I'm sorry what?  You want to... no, absolutely not!  You have no idea what it's like up there hah... Charlie, come on just take it from me when I say it's not going to do any good."  Listening to her request to meet with Heaven as well as inviting him over to see what she was working on, his heart skipped and his attention went towards seeing his little girl after so long.  Did she actually want to see him?

"You're inviting me over? I'll be there in an hour!" He hung up to glance around his place before cheering and heading out, eager to see his daughter as it had been years since they'd seen one another.  Lucifer loved Charlie very much and though things hadn't been the best between him and her Mother, their family was far from perfect, he would still seek to please his little girl and while he took his leave from the very tower that had been his home he'd give a heavy sigh to take flight into the realm that was his Hell.

"My daughter wants to see me~  Hah, take that DepResSioN!"

                                   Meanwhile, at the Hotel, Charlie and Vaggie got the crew to fix the place up, and everyone was on board to decorate and bake for the arrival of the King, though she wanted a meeting with Heaven, she was nervous to meet her Father again.  Charlie's upbringing held a lot of plot holes as her memories seemed scattered, though she knew her parents loved her and they had split a few years back.  There was some misunderstanding between Father and Daughter, and hopefully, when all was said and done, she could get to the bottom of things and figure out how to go forward.

"Okay so Dad is on his way, everyone great job on fixing the place up and those cookies look really good. Fantastic!"

"I think it looks pretty good if I do say so myself," Angel rubbed an arm over his forehead to look at the sign he made for the King's arrival, Niffty decorating her cookies while Husk helped set the table up.

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now