The Pancake Wars

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                                  Lucifer was the King of Hell, and though he held powers beyond most's wildest dreams, it wasn't as if he was all-seeing, yet having lived as long as he did it wasn't hard to learn how to pick up on emotions and feelings from others. Being an empath had its ups and downs, having a sixth sense about intentions and feeling the force of ill intent helped Lucifer stay on his toes, or hooves for that matter. Though he had claimed not to know Alastor, there had been times he had heard the other's broadcasts...

The year was 1933 when Alastor first arrived and by God did he have immense powers for a new fallen Sinner, the structure of the city was falling but before he even stepped foot out of his home he heard them. The screams of present Overlords dying on the radio, the carnage and malice he felt from this one Sinner was enough to shake him to his core. The urge to find and stop him was only quelled by his daughter distracting him, he was afraid and disgusted with such evil but over time he had come to learn that this Radio Demon didn't kill everyone. Overlords like Zestial and Rosie were unharmed, he even did some shows with them singing, and when the Radio Demon expressed himself through song and creativity. Lucifer found himself tuning in to enjoy the other's shows before things changed and the Radio Demon ceased his entertainment.

This was his first meeting with this Demon, Alastor was quite a charming man with confidence and pride to match his own. He felt his cheeks heating up as his mind went to such thoughts especially when he was interrogating the Crimson Demon sitting not too far from him. The topic of discussion shifted his way, however, Alastor's grin widened with a chuckle,

"Well, what can I say? Your Daughter has a way with words! Potential, unlike any kind I've seen! Enough to earn my assistance! Is that so hard to believe?" Alastor tilted his head with an unnatural crack heard from his neck, "And, well, perhaps to also seek a new form of entertainment! Hell can grow to be quite dull unless one seeks a new performance to witness!" Lucifer narrowed his gaze at the other as the answer was too gray for him to see behind, yet that didn't stop Alastor from asking his own question,

"The only parent in the picture at the moment? I heard what happened, do you keep it for sentimental reasons or do you hope to rekindle your first love?" Motioning to the King's ring upon his hand, Lucifer snarled while glaring at the other with red eyes, though getting mad over nothing wouldn't do him any good sighing to calm himself down. No sense in giving the other what he wanted when it came to a reaction,

"Charlie's mother is off doing her own thing, I don't know what or where but we've split so that's that. And mind your own business when it comes to my commitments. Not getting another word out of me on the matter-"

"But it was by her hand that Hell came to be as it is, at least, the Pride Ring anyway. So where was the King in all of this? The rumor of absentee parent as well as ruler has gone around and-" Lucifer appeared before the other so fast, Alastor grew still but kept his guise up in the face of the Devil's red gaze,

"Your tone is dangerously close to getting you fucked, Radio Demon, don't speak of things you know nothing about. Whatever game you're playing to win Charlie's affections over my own is a sign of a sick twisted mind out to get something for himself." Alastor chuckled before moving to stand, towering over the other with his menacing grin, seems he hit a nerve within the other and that was going to cost him.

"I must say you seem very defensive of another figurehead coming into Charlie's life, all I want is to see that her potential grows and one day she may be Queen of this Ring in place of her absentee parents. Who better to guide her than I?" The aura within the room thickened as Alastor's radio dial eyes came forth, a hand brought up to extend his claws as he grew a little wicked in his speech. Lucifer wasn't moved by the display at all, giving the other an unamused glare,

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now