The Blood

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                                     The Hotel was growing little by little, Charlie was excited with the new sinners as well as the three her Father had sent to her for aid, learning that they were young souls who died recently made Charlie honored that she got to help and protect them.  They told her of their meeting with Vox who wanted to stir up trouble for Rosie as she was rebuilding her territory after losing some cannibals in the battle.  Though she felt a little guilty over that fact, she also felt angry that the three kids were used the way they were to stir up trouble, thankfully, everyone welcomed them with open arms and showed them the ropes when it came to helping around the hotel.  Everyone had a chore to do now that the Hotel was much bigger, she would have to get more staff eventually but for the moment, Charlie was worried about her Father, while everyone else was being active and lending their support.  She found even Alastor was out and about checking on things like he normally did when it came to his duties at the Hotel, she thought her Father was still upset about the deal she made.

                             Charlie was in the kitchen baking a few apple turnovers which was one of her Father's favorite treats, the smell certainly had someone coming to investigate which happened to be Alastor who came in with a hum and some soft jazz playing.  He could tell Charlie was a bit sensitive at the moment so he played his cards well,

"Morning Charlie, doing some early baking for the residents?  Quite a talent you have for making these pasteries~"  In the last five days, he had witnessed Charlie taking a turnover up to her Father's room because the King had yet to come down at all, locked away doing who knows what within his quarters.  The sad expression on her face as she tried to reach out to her Father, it was becoming hard to go about her day with worry for her only parent in her life right now, feeling guilty that it was because of her that he was locked away.

"I... I'm worried about Dad, he's fallen into one of his episodes again where he's locked away without a word to anyone.  Being alone like that can't be good for anyone, I just... I hope it's not my fault he's fallen into that stupor again."  She felt tears welling in her eyes, staring down at the apple-shaped turnovers she had cooling for a bit, Alastor gave a heavy sigh as he could only guess why the other was locking himself up.  After their last interaction, it was a miracle he even came out of his room but upon seeing Lucifer was nowhere to be found, he went about his business to focus a little on the Hotel and its residents.

"I wouldn't worry too much about the King, after all, he's been through enough in his long life that he seems to jump back eventually but I do see the concern for his well-being and I know he isn't ignoring you personally.  You are the pride and joy of his life, he's told me so plenty of times!"  That seemed to get her attention as she perked up to wipe at her eyes,

"Really?  He said that?"

"But of course, sweetheart, he talks the world of you!  And I believe it myself, though it has been a short time between us, I can say with confidence that you have a bright future and your ideas for this realm can only help with the destination you'll find yourself one day in becoming Queen of Hell."  Charlie coughed as she heard that, cheeks glowing before she waved her hands in the air to laugh somewhat nervously,

"Whoa whoa wait I... I can't rule... hah no way!  There is no way that I will ever be Queen."  Alastor's eyes narrowed as he stepped closer to chuckle, an arm around her shoulder as he leaned forward,

"My Dear, whatever is the matter?  You are the heir to the throne, for the moment the King isn't present for the Pride Ring and your Mother isn't around either.  Who else will lead the people if not you?"

"Oh, Alastor, this realm doesn't need a ruler.  I mean come on, with Overlords running things the way they want things done, really I'm only here to help Sinners who want a better chance at life.  Though my Mom cared a lot about this realm, she did her best to guide and help them with her songs but she never actually ruled over them-"

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now