Lu Lu World

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                                          There weren't many places like this within the Pride Ring but Lucifer had dreamed of a place for Sinners to enjoy, have fun, and live out an experience that distracted from the Hell that was their lives.  Lu Lu World was that dream, the park was impressively well taken care of as everything looked brand new as well as up to code with being a high-end theme park.  As the group made their way inside, they came to notice that it wasn't just Sinners but also Hellborn Demons like imps, birds, leviathans, and Hellborn demon children as well, Lucifer changed his attire just a bit to appear more like a Ring Master.  Shoulder bells and pads as well as some assets on his hat, and his boots might have made him a bit more taller too as he brought out his apple cane to twirl and make it more into a staff.

"It has been ages since I've been here, Charlie, I'm going to the tent.  You should bring everyone around three for the show, they're gonna love it!"  He called out to his daughter as she was wearing a Lulu apple hat, screaming with excitement as she pulled everyone to the rides, Lucifer made his way through the park with Alastor following behind curiously.

"Hm? Oh, you're coming with me... well I didn't remember asking but I guess if you want to keep me company."  Alastor was on high alert since his powers were on lockdown, his ears moving at the slightest noise while he kept close behind the King, Lucifer noticed how nervous the other was acting which was somewhat adorable to him.

"How can... how is it possible to lock away one's powers here?  Aren't you worried someone will attack us?"

"Oh please, do you feel any violent tendencies?  When I built this place, I wanted it to be a haven for those who wish to have fun and experience a good time, so with the help of my Sins of the Rings.  I combined Sloth with Gluttony and used Wrath as a counter for a perfect barrier upon entering this domain, just take a look around and see for yourself that both Sinners and Hellborn simply want to have a good time."  Waving his staff around as they walked past game booths of children playing and laughing, demons were enjoying their time together playing games and winning prizes.  Alastor seemed to calm down after a while when he saw that no one was acting out, the air reminded him a bit of Cannibal Town, and it made him wonder if there was someone else behind the scenes.

"I must say, it does seem abnormally safe here, though you claim that you haven't been here for a while.  Is there someone who has been left in charge of this place?"  As soon as he asked, Alastor found that they came before a giant circus tent in the center of the park, designed with purple, blue, and black, balloons and signs advertising the acts.  Why was he surprised they had come to a circus?

"Very observant, yes I have left this place in the care of a very dear friend of mine, though Lu Lu World is the main attraction, the real magic lies beyond this point and I'm sure you all will love it."  Though Lucifer's attire was a dead giveaway that the man enjoyed the circus, Alastor didn't realize just how much, thinking about the Hotel's decor came to mind as well as the King's taste for Carnival Food.  Watching demons getting ready for their show, seeing acrobats hanging from ropes above them, Hellborn demons of different rings were all there to see, Lucifer kept on going until he reached the center of the Circus stage as demonic lions were being reared up by another Demoness using a whip.  There was another figure standing behind the beast tamer, a tall raven demon wearing black and blue ringmaster attire, he slowly turned to face them just as they arrived to stand before the demon.

"Could it be, do my eyes deceive me?  Is that our Lord and Master of Hell?  Lucifer, it has been ages!"  The raven came forward to lift Lucifer in the air, twirling with the King before tossing him high to allow his wings to come forth with a dramatic flair, his laugh came as he twirled to land back down.

"It has been a while, Raven Lord, I see you've kept this place in good shape.  I appreciate the hard work you've done in honoring my vision for this place." the Raven placed a hand upon his chest with a gasp before bowing low to his King.

"Nonsense, it has been an honor and a privilege to perform and spread the good show among these denizens of Hell.  Oh, who have you brought along with you today?"  Raven lord was about five feet taller than Alastor, very much taller than Lucifer himself, a slender bird form with shimmering blue eyes that seemed almost lifeless.  Feathers as black as night dressed like a dark Ring Master compared to Lucifer,

"Ah well, I've brought my Daughter and her Hotel guests. This here, is a Sinner Overlord named Alastor, we're going to be busy in the next week or so... Angels causing problems and all that, so I wanted to show them a good time."  Raven Lord glanced over the crimson demon before him, though his powers were sealed he could pick up the sense of something far more within the Sinner, Alastor felt a bit uneasy as if the other was looking directly into his soul.

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now