From Now On

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                                    There was a problem at the Hotel and Lucifer was furious over the fact that because Lilith came to give her little warning of the Heavens, Charlie was affected by it, he didn't see it right away but witnessing some of her lessons ending with her giving up on them as depression took over.  It was Angel who came to him after the third lesson in the last week being dropped with Charlie retiring to her room, sighing Lucifer had to think of something, sure when it came to his depression he hadn't found anything to help himself.  Yet this was his daughter, he had to do something, searching for the one person he knew could help him with this and found her sitting at the tip of the grand yacht he added to the new hotel's design.

"I hope you enjoy the new boat, though that pirate mast was pretty amazing, upgrades never hurt anyone."  Vaggie stood on the rail looking out to the city, her wings helping to keep her balance as the light wind blew against them, turning to face the King with a hesitant expression as she wasn't used to speaking with Charlie's Father even after all this time.

"My lord, uh good afternoon, yes I think it's really nice and I love it.  Um, how can I help you?"  Hearing Vaggie speak in such a formal way had Lucifer pouting before he walked towards her to help the fellow Fallen off the rail to stand before him, keeping her hand within his own before bringing her in for a hug.

"Vaggie, my Dear, you can call me Lucifer or maybe even... Dad?"  He snickered to see Vaggie getting red in the face, Lucifer didn't mind if she called him as such or not but accepting her as a part of his family... not just because she was an angel, but because she was someone special to Charlie.

"Lucifer, I'm honored to be accepted by you as family, did you need me for something?"

"Well yes, I heard Charlie is having a hard time keeping to her lessons with her Sinners, it must have something to do with the Heavens being brought up by Lilith.  She's probably worried this is all for nothing if we get attacked again.  Please, Vaggie, has she said anything to you?"  Vaggie didn't want to reveal her girlfriend's secrets or things she told her in confidence but she was also worried about Charlie and how she's been since seeing her mom.  Hugging herself to sigh while she went to lean against the rail, Lucifer had his cane out to lean against it as he listened to Vaggie explain.

"She is really messed up about her Mom being in Heaven all this time, she doesn't feel like she has the whole story... thinks you both are keeping things from her, then there's the Angels coming back to fight us again.  She doesn't think we can handle them again, nothing I say helps and I'm beginning to worry about her."  Vaggie brought her hands to her head, buried within her hair as she spilled everything they had talked about, Lucifer reached to rub her shoulder trying to calm her a bit as she continued.

"What Lilith said about Charlie turning into you- uh what I mean is... if things don't work out, she's worried she might become like you. Someone who gave up once... she's really happy you're here now."  Lucifer gave a nervous chuckle but hearing all this did make him worry too, she was right that there was more to things than what she was told but he wasn't ready to tell her everything just yet.  For now, he had to cheer her up,

"Well, if the Heavens do come for us, I'm not backing down again.  I've done so many times before and though Lilith made a point, I have a daughter now and it's different this time."  Pausing for a moment, Lucifer glanced over to Vaggie who was looking out to the city, he didn't know much about her so he sought to learn a few things about this fellow Fallen Angel.

"I know it was Lute who took your eye and wings before but we never really understood how or why it happened.  Was Heaven not to your liking?"  Lucifer leaned over the railing with his arms up to give a solemn expression to his future daughter-in-law, Vaggie sighed as she always wondered how to talk about this with Charlie so guess it was good practice with her Dad.

"I spared a Sinner who was a child from Cannibal Town, but if I'm being honest I have always had doubts about what we did.  Heaven isn't all it's cracked up to be, however, it's not as though I knew anything else in my life, I'm not a Winner... I never had a human life.  Even so, I never felt right about eradicating human souls, how can we justify protecting the souls in Heaven by killing the souls in Hell?"  Lucifer listened quietly, true there was more about their realm that no one knew and it made it harder to understand, doubting and questioning become harder to control and keep order in line.  At least he could imagine it was hard for Heaven to keep their people in life, to explain their duties as to why they had to fulfill their task and told it was for a noble cause,

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now