Devil's Master

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                             All it took was one act of disobedience when Lucifer gave the fruit of knowledge to the Second Wife of Adam, Eve was a quiet woman who obeyed every word of her husband. She bore him children and raised them for as long as she could before the day came when a snake offered her a piece of fruit. The Tree of Life and Knowledge began to crack and Evil erupted from the depths of the world, even now, Lucifer knows that he didn't create Evil because it was always there, their Creator was both dark and light, but he knew it was ultimately his fault that the Root of All Evil came to exist on Earth and over time it found a way to the depths of the abyss that was his new home. Lucifer received reports of Demons being devoured, Souls disappearing from the Pride Ring as well as his Hellborns being taken by tendrils of tar and flesh appearing all over Hell.

The King was unsure of what this creature was or if it had any sentience, tracking it down was difficult until he found it within Pride Ring, landing within the swamps just outside the growing Pentagram City. Lucifer wasn't dressed as a Ring Master quite yet but he still wore white, no longer robes of the Heavens but a suit,

"Lucifer Morningstar, it's nice to finally meet you~ It's been a century since last we met, and though it was brief, I finally made my way back to you, little Angel~" Looking around in the dark, the voice was female, sly and sickening almost but eventually she came to form before him, a woman of tar and malice, tendrils of flesh and body parts that struggled to keep together.

"Who... what are you?"

"Well, that's rude, if not for you I would have never been set free from my prison. You can call me Roo, short for-"

"The Root of All Evil... you're really here then... within this realm? What are you doing to the Demons and Souls, where are they?" Slipping closer to the Devil, she placed her hands upon his shoulder to lean over and whisper,

"Oh, just a few snacks, souls that make deals for ridiculous things whereas the Hellborns essence tastes delicious. I love that you created your own little world down here, on Earth I'm limited to being able to corrupt souls that only make a deal with me. But down here, it's free game!" Lucifer growled to step away and face her,

"No, it's not free game, you're eating my people and I won't stand for it. Either stop or you and I will have a problem." Roo went about laughing before rising as a vicious viper of flesh and bone, tar and malice while hovering over the King,

"How funny you are, Lucifer, but we both know that will not happen. I will devour everything because enough just isn't enough! I was thrown into this world filled with malice and evil, vile and wickedness! It is in my nature to do the things I do and nothing you say or do will change that!" While she rose above him laughing, Lucifer glanced behind her in the thicket to smirk before Lilith came forth to use her purple whips to wrap around Roo to hold her in place while Lucifer rose in the air with his wings. Horns growing out as well as a snake came out of his coat to wrap around his horns like a halo,

"That's what you think, I am the Morningstar, I purify and absorb corruption. You will be no different, Roo~" Creating a demonic sigil of his power and blood, Lucifer with the help of Lilith banished Roo from the Pride Ring and every other Ring, each with his sigil and seal along with the Sin of that realm. Having used much of his power to absorb the remnants of Roo from each realm, he ensured she couldn't access his Hell but that didn't stop her from making deals. Her corporeal essence can slip through to gain followers and souls, making deals with a part of evil and malice able to be summoned by the most desperate of souls, and while Alastor watched this scene he recalled how he fell into her trap and made a deal himself.

The memory didn't end there though, fast forwarding to the war of Heaven when Lucifer tried to find a solution for the overpopulation of Pride Ring, when the Angels came down into his realm to face his armies. Lucifer felt the pull of Roo once more, the dark spirit coming to him in his dreams promising him the power he needed to fight his brother back, and in his desperation the King of Hell allowed the corruption of Roo to enter his body.

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now