Root of All Evil

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                                    As the sigil dissipated, the ground began to shake, the stone cracking beneath them as the darkness surrounded the area blocking out the red sky of the Ring, a wicked laugh came forth before they watched as shadow and flesh formed to reveal a woman dressed in black with red and white checker designs upon her attire.  A mix of shadows formed her hair, the aura emitting from this being had their stomachs dropping, malice and spite oozed from this creature.  Charlie had never felt this before, never had she fathomed anything this terrible and it was her Father who dealt with the darkness, sealed her away for centuries, and now she was freed by her hand.

"Finally, after so long, I can feel my legs and get a good stretch!  Took your sweet time didn't you, but I sense there's a reason for this urgency.  Hm?  My, what a pleasure it is to meet you finally, Charlie.  You can call me Roo~"  Extending a hand to the Princess only to have Alastor step forward to move her behind him,

"You're free Roo, now release me as you promised!"  A wide grin spread across her face before she laughed in his face,

"I promised, did I?  Funny, I don't remember shaking on that deal, as far as I'm concerned.  I don't have to do anything, making deals with me isn't the same as with others, verbal binding is when I choose to do so.  Yes, I took your soul because you offered it but I don't need to fulfill this deal, in fact, I think it's perfect just the way it is... keeping the King out of my way."  Alastor growled at her treachery but what did he expect from an entity so vile, he cursed at his foolishness to believe she would keep up her end of the deal when she didn't do so the first time.  Charlie stepped forward begging Roo to reconsider,

"Please, if we can't free my Dad then he'll... he'll..."

"Die?  That's the point sweetheart, because once he dies, a new Morningstar will come into play and I think with me as your guide we can run Hell the way it was meant to be run.  We'll take the fight to the Heavens, destroy the golden gates, and claim all the souls for ourselves.  It's the perfect plan~"  Charlie stared in horror, hands coming to her face as she felt tears welling up, Alastor snarled to raise his cane, summoning his tendrils to aim them at Roo who merely brought up his chain.  Gagging on the black and red collar around his neck, he fell to his knees choking as she laughed at the display,

"You really think you stand a chance against me?  I'm the one who gave you power, this is the thanks I get?  I'm starting to think you've outlived your usefulness, just another soul for me to devour... such a pity, but oh well!"  The fear upon Alastor's face when Roo's shoulder manifested into a giant mouth looming over him, ears fell back as he begged for his life,

"N-no no, wait, stop!"  Before the mouth could strike, Charlie brought out her pitchfork to slice the creature, rushing towards Roo to use her power and shove her hand inside Roo in search of Alastor's contract.  She merely stood there smiling at Charlie's attempt before the Princess saw there was no way she could find something lost in a vast void of souls,

"I can't find it!"

"Please, I have millions of lost souls within me, nice try though!"  A force blasted Charlie away as Alastor could not move, Roo raised her head to laugh before allowing the creature to aim for Alastor.

"EVE!"  She paused to hear Lucifer's voice, turning around with Alastor's chain in her hands, the Devil was behind her holding his glaive, "Long time no see," as weak as he was, Lucifer forced himself to make it out there as fast as he could, glaring at the Devil and snarling to move the giant mouth aiming it at Lucifer.

"Don't you dare call me that! You don't know when to lie down and get the hell out of my way!"  The giant mouth striking down at him, he sliced through the creature causing Roo to scream and sending his glaive flying right at her only to dodge with a laugh.  Charlie heard the name that her Father had called out, there was no way this woman was THE Eve but if the story was true, then the great evil released must have taken over the Second Wife.  Suddenly, her Father was impaled by black thorns made of Roo's darkness, shooting straight out of the floor and into the Devil's body piercing him in several locations, pumping a black miasma of corruption into his already weakened form.

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now