The MorningStar

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                                                      ~Two Months Later~

                          The Hotel was thriving with Sinners who found the courage to change for the better, after defeating the Darkness and convincing Heaven to stop the purges due to Eve being saved by the King of Hell, many Sinners felt it was safe and worth trying after learning about Sir Pentious.  Michael came to speak with Charlie a week after the fight, tension spread throughout the room as she told her Uncle what happened to her Father, the Angel turned to look at Alastor who tensed at the feeling of malice coming from the other.

"How unfortunate but things move on, especially for us immortals, I have a letter for you Charlie, it's from Emily.  A magical stamp on that envelope will allow you to send it directly to her in Heaven, and the two of you can be pen pals.  Should you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out as we are family after all."  As Michael turned to leave, Alastor squinted at the lack of care he expressed when hearing of his brother's death, much to his surprise Charlie was holding herself well after the whole ordeal.  Focusing herself on work, helping Sinners settle within her Hotel while he was struggling to accept what happened, awake all night drinking in his room.  Glancing over at the few ducks he collected to set up on his shelf, there wasn't enough work for him to do to keep the King off his mind, the events leading up to the end, and wondering what he could have done differently.

"Hey Boss, you in there, can I come in?"  Hearing Husk outside his door, a wave of his wrist opened his door allowing the feline inside, looking at the buck to see through his smile that Alastor wasn't in the best mindset.

"What do you want, I'm not in the mood for any of your..." he paused at the look Husk was giving him, moving to his mini bar to pour a mixture for his Boss, crouching low to the ground with his offering.  A position that put him at the subjugation of his Master,

"I'm just here for an old friend."

"Hah.  A friend, that's rich, we both know you seek something more from me but a deal's a deal Husk and if you want out of it then there is only one way."  Narrowing his gaze, he saw it there in the other's eyes, Husk had fallen for the Spider and it was his love for Angel that made him seek his freedom.

"I always thought it was a sick joke that you made that kind of out clause to your deals, for someone's soul to be set free, one must find love worth having a soul for and thus sharing it.  Well, I gotta say, I never planned on it but here we are so what's next, Boss?"  Alastor glared at the other before raising his hand, a black scroll came forth to show Husk's contract,

"Are you sure you wish to give up your power all for the sake of love?  What if he finds redemption and leaves you down here alone?"  Husk sighed to rub the back of his neck, standing up to smile down at the other with confidence,

"Then I guess I'll have to redeem myself to join him."  Alastor crushed the contract, setting the other free, and went about downing the glass he was given before sighing,

"There you have it then, go and enjoy your freedom, I take it you'll be staying here though to work as the bartender.  Don't forget your old friends," Husk nodded before turning to leave but before he did, he'd pause to look back at the other.

"If I didn't know any better Boss, I'd say you never thought to find love yourself hence why that's your outclause, because to you such a thing is weakness and you never wanted to feel that for yourself."  

"How clever, if I'm not an example of why it's such a useless thing then I don't know what to tell you.  It hasn't done me any favors, it's only a matter of time before you find yourself in my predicament.  Now go away."  As Husk left, Alastor reached for the little duck wearing a white hat and gritted his fangs to feel those pesky tears welling up again, he covered his face to lightly sob.  Annoyed that he could taste his tears due to the smile stuck on his face, how was he to move on from this when all he could think about was a man who was wronged in life, who was judged as evil when all he wanted was to bring light to the world.  Lucifer... you've damned me for all eternity.

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now