Royal Sovereign

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                                    Stepping out of the broken radio tower, Lucifer cleaned himself up with his magic to appear normal as if nothing happened while Alastor stood to look around at the sight of the gorge he came to arrive down below the cliffside two days ago.  Though Alastor could shift through the Shadows to travel, he'd glance at Lucifer to see the other was smirking,

"And what has you so happy?"

"How do you feel about heights?"  Before Alastor could ask, Lucifer stepped forward to wrap his arms around Alastor's waist, the abrupt contact making the Radio Demon's eyes shift before Lucifer's wings sprang forth and the King gave a sinister grin.  "Hold on tight."  They kicked off the ground with such speed it was like a sonic boom, flying straight up, so fast and high Alastor didn't have time to react.

"Lucifer, if you don't put me down-"

"I wouldn't finish that order, I will drop you!  Besides, it's not so bad, look you can see the new Hotel from up here."  Alastor opened his eyes to look down below and sure enough there the Hotel stood, brand new and looking like some gaudy casino, already irked by the Devil's games of flying him high into the air now seeing what they had been up to in his absence.  He reached to grab the other by the back of the neck,

"I can see you ruined the Hotel, what is that ridiculous-  Where is my tower?"  Lucifer winced but laughed all the same,

"What do you mean?  Your tower is down there, where it belongs, in the fucking trash-" Yanking on Lucifer's hair to stifle the rest of his sentence, Alastor moved the other's collar to bite into his throat.  Nothing too rough, just enough to get a drink and feel that high once more while Lucifer struggled to keep flying straight while being fed on.

"Will you... stop doing that!"  Pulling back to lick his lips before raising his microphone to summon forth his magic, a green glowing aura took hold of a corner piece on the Hotel, shifting the building and breaking a few pieces to summon forth a dark new radio tower.  Lucifer's shoulders tensed as he grew angry,

"Seriously?  You broke my design to put your ugly-ass radio tower?"  Alastor yanked upon the other's hair again making the Devil hiss in annoyance,

"Enough, get us down there now and I swear if you-"

"As you command, bitch~"  Lucifer dropped down with the other hanging onto him so tightly, upon stopping just before the ground to hover in the air, only then did Alastor open his eyes to realize what the other was about to do.

"Lucifer, you-" letting the buck go to land on his ass before setting himself down to stretch his wings out.

"You're welcome by the way, healing and giving you a ride back home, seems to me that I should be getting a reward for my good deeds."  Lucifer checked his claws with a smirk before he turned to see Alastor had stood up to dust himself off and was now staring at Sir Pentious' memorial.

"Hm?  What's this?  Being sentimental now all of a sudden?  I would have never guessed,"

"It wouldn't have happened if you had been here from the start, Your Majesty."

"Ooo or maybe if you didn't try fighting the First Man with no Angelic weapon and getting hurt as badly as you did, resulting in your little stick breaking... you might have been more helpful than useless!"  The two leaned so close to growl at each other, Alastor's eye twitching as he couldn't understand how or why Lucifer was acting high and mighty even after being leashed by him.

"How... how is it you're not more upset about the situation, clearly I've won, and yet you're still acting as if you're on top?"  Lucifer giggled at how the other word that, just his little goofy dirty mind working against the stress of recent events, the Devil went about walking around the Radio Demon to answer his question.

"Because though I've lost this game, there is more to come, Alastor.  I know that you're only doing this because you think that by having me in your pocket, you're going to be the most powerful and unchallenged mortal in all of Hell.  And if I've been paying attention to our little chats, you're so ambitious to where you think you can rule over Pride Ring all on your own.  That about sum it up, Mister Radio Demon?"  Clenching his microphone, Alastor felt his anger getting the best of him, even after making his deal and trapping the Devil in his grasp, Lucifer was still acting smug though he did his best to stay in control.  The Radio Demon was very much questioning his train of thought, Lucifer belonged to him now but what exactly did that entail and what was he going to do with this Fallen Angel's abilities?

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now