Sentimental Fool

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                            The three small-looking Demons would stare at the cat confused, two boys and one girl who was holding a teddy bear that strangely resembled the beast that had attacked not too long ago.  While Hell was filled with many different souls and some looked like children, small and vulnerable-looking innocents would be taken for granted when they could be dangerous and underestimated.  Lucifer sensed these three were newly fallen souls, they still had the scent of the living on them, he didn't say a word though as the young girl who resembled a panda bear.

"It's a kitty, look how cute he is."

"Forget the cat, look if we don't hurry and do what Vox wanted us to do, we're going to be on the streets for other Demons to take their pick of us and do who knows what."  One of the boys was taller than the other two and seemed to be the leader, resembling a wolf kid while the other was a raccoon.

"But Chance, we've been trying for days, let's face it even with all three of us working together we can't take down an Overlord and now with that other guy dressed in red, this is getting dangerous."

"Richie, we don't have a choice, it's either we do this or-"

"Chance, I don't want to scare or hurt people anymore, maybe someone else can help us?"

"Becky, we're in cannibal town, no one is going to help us.  They'd eat us first, we just have to keep causing trouble to weaken her numbers and then Vox can come to finish the job.  He said if we do this he'll look after us," the other two seemed skeptical, worried, and scared, they certainly acted like children, and as Lucifer was listening to them discuss their little plan he couldn't help but feel sorry for them.  Still, he was curious as to how they were causing trouble, three little Demons who were new to Hell had that kind of power would be something the Devil was trying to figure out so he'd play the silly cat and go about rubbing himself against the panda girl who giggled.

"Becky, don't touch him, he could have rabies or something."  Suddenly several voodoo creatures crawled into their hidey hole, the three gasped as they came right for them only to have the cat jump out with glowing red eyes and a hiss.  The creatures would shy away in fear at the display of the Devil's power emitting off of the feline, the three demons watched as the white cat sent the creatures running away.  Becky squealed to kneel and hug the feline, Chance scoffed before laughing,

"Guess he's worth keeping around, if he can keep those things from finding us then we have a shot.  Come on, Becky, we have a job to do and this time make a three-headed beast."

                          Meanwhile, Alastor was walking in the center square waiting for his minions to come back when he heard them chittering behind him, something had chased them off, and come to think of it.  Where in the hell was Lucifer? The Devil was missing now, he could call him forth with his leash but then others would know he had to come to his call and he wasn't ready for anyone to learn the truth.

"Alastor, any luck?  Wait, where is the King?"  Rosie came back to his side but before the Radio Demon could answer, a howl was heard, and turning to see a three-headed dog running down the streets to crash into carts and demons alike aiming right for Alastor.

"Oh, ho!  Finally, come here you big beastie!"  Alastor raised his microphone to summon forth his tendrils to launch at the beast, they were deflected as if its hide was too strong to be pierced.  His eyes widened before he jumped to the side to dodge the beast's jaws from grabbing hold of him however Rosie was knocked into a few cannibals who were watching from the sidelines.  Not far off, the three Demons were watching from a distance, Becky had her eyes closed to focus on her power, and Lucifer watched these three with interest as they each had a power that amplified the creation of these creatures that were attacking Cannibal Town.

                         Becky was the one with the ability to project the illusion of beasts, while Chance had the power to amplify and give power to the beasts making them real and strong enough to fight.  As for Richie, he was able to hide their presence, the three together were quite a team but they were still new to this realm and had a lot to learn, Lucifer could see how this would be a problem.  Turning to see Alastor was being charged by the three-headed hound, his tendrils weren't strong enough to pierce the flesh of the creature, growling his frustration before turning to see a white cat off to the side slowly heading his way.  Before he could call out to the other, Alastor raised his tendrils to create a wall to block the paw from slamming down on him, nearly falling to his knees from the pressure put on him.  Snarling in annoyance at this beast's strength, Rosie came to fire her threads around the many heads to pull the creature away in her attempts to help Alastor.  While he got a moment to catch his breath, he turned to see Lucifer just watching on the sidelines with a smirk on his feline face, radio dial eyes came forth as he snapped.

"Are you just going to sit there and watch?"  The cat tilted his head to the side, eyes and smile widening with amusement,

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