Let's Make a Deal

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                                For the moment, Alastor was watching the King of Hell eat his fifth pancake while the two were sitting on the couch of the recreational room, where he was getting them from one didn't know but Lucifer had his head against his thigh while going through his phone.  Normally, being this close to one another didn't sit well with him but he didn't feel threatened by the small King, Lucifer was too much of a goof when one indulged in his childish actions and games.  Unlike back in the kitchen when he spoke out of line, anything involving the immortal's family and past was a trigger for him so all Alastor had to do was keep him entertained with other matters.

"You don't much care for social media, huh?  Like anything with technology, I imagine it's because of that Vox guy."

"Indeed, I have no need for any of that, if people want to reach out to me they can send fan letters to my radio station.  Even then, I had to stop that after a while when so many came through with indecent pictures."  He let out a noise of disgust while Lucifer laughed,

"What?  You're a very sought-after man, I'm still confused as to why you won't give anyone a chance.  Is it because you're afraid to open up and trust someone to be close to you?"  Alastor rolled his eyes before glancing down at the other's phone, a picture of Lilith along with little Charlie was his background.

"You must really miss your own family to keep bringing that up, I don't much care for that sort of thing, nor have I ever wished to have a family of my own.  There are far more important things to consider when it comes to one's survival and that's rising to the top!"

"Yeah but what are you going to do once you get to the top?  You'll be all alone, no one to trust, neither friend nor family... is it really worth it in the end if there's no one to share it with?"  Lucifer leaned his head back to look up at the other, Alastor was doing his best not to push the other straight onto the floor.

"I do miss my family, I miss a time when things were simple and we were all happy but that will never happen again because time changes everything and when you take those kinds of things for granted you can never get it back."  Lucifer looked at his family of old, the things he wished he could have back, wished he could do differently, yet knew it wasn't possible even with his vast amount of powers.  Lucifer sat up with a sigh before moving his legs to lean back somewhat depressed now as his thoughts went towards things he couldn't help but dwell on,

"I mean look at me... I'm the King of Hell with so much power and yet the one thing I want, I cannot have... what does that say about me?"  Alastor raised a brow while humming,

"And what is it that you want, Your Majesty?"

"I want my family back, duh... haven't you been listening?  I mean those are ears right?"  Lucifer whirled on the other to reach for one of his tuffs to check if they were and upon feeling the softness of them caused Alastor to flood the air with static as well as see a flushed look upon his cheeks.  Though Lucifer only saw it for a split second when his hand was slapped away sharply,

"Hands off!"  A snarling static ended abruptly when he caught the sight of Lucifer's hand bleeding gold, looking down at his claws to see he had nicked the Royal, his feral urges rising at the sight and scent of something akin to nectar.  Just as he was about to lick his hand, a blast of water came out of nowhere to knock the Radio Demon to the ground as Lucifer held a giant water gun aimed at him,

"Nope!  None of that for you!  Bad Bambi!"  His hand already healed and cleaned, Alastor found himself soaking wet on the ground, growling as he glared at the King, slowly standing up to raise his microphone in the air.

"Why you!  Come here, you ridiculous clown!  I have a gift for you as well, hold still, damn you!"  As Alastor went about swinging, Lucifer dodged to run about the room, rolling and ducking with laughter at how funny Alastor looked with his hair drenched making his ears droop.

"You look like a damn wet dog!  Hahah!"  Lucifer ran out of the room with Alastor shouting for him, just as they came to the parlor, the other residents went wide-eyed at the sight of Alastor chasing the King around.  Husk had to stifle a laugh at how ridiculous the buck looked soaking wet, Angel outright laughed as Lucifer hopped on top of the bar to keep out of reach,

"Smiles, what happened, did you fall into a tub or something?"  Growling as he ignored the others to glare up at the King, Lucifer lay on the sign of the bar with a laugh,

"We had a little water gun fight, clearly I won!"  The King didn't notice the tendrils coming up behind the stand about to grab the King when Angel shouted for him,

"Look out!"  Husk pulled Angel away from a random tendril about to smack the spider for alerting the King, Lucifer turned around to be grabbed by one and held in the air as Alastor laughed,

"Whatever will you do now, Your Majesty?"  Lucifer scoffed before turning into a snake to slither free, floating in the air to dodge the other tendrils attempting to catch him, shifting into a bird, then a goat, then his snake form once more to flee down the hall.  Alastor didn't give chase this time as he was trying to calm down, Husk kept Angel silent at his side while Pentious was hiding with Niffty behind the couch.  They had never seen the Radio Demon out of sorts, whirling around to face the residents to see the disheveled appearance of Alastor,

"What are you all staring at?"  Taking a deep breath he went about rolling his shoulders to fix his suit, though his hair would take a bit to dry, Alastor resumed his calm demeanor, "Just a simple little game of chase, after all, someone has to entertain the King."  Continuing down the hall to leave the parlor, Alastor's eye twitched in annoyance at being made to look like a fool, this Devil was going to see what happens when one messes with him.

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now