The Heavens

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                        A few days passed after the visit from the Sins, and the Hotel seemed to be in low spirits with Charlie not acting like her normal self, no matter how many times Vaggie tried to cheer her up it seemed what happened with her Father was eating at her.  The others invited her to have fun in the game room with a board game, Angel was flirting with Husk who took it in stride as the two got to know one another over time.  Vaggie tried to point this out to Charlie who watched the two across the table, to see Husk smiling and laughing with Angel connecting in a way that pulled at her heartstrings but in a terrible way.  Recalling how Husk belonged to the Radio Demon and if he came to fall in love with Angel while trying to get into Heaven, the result brought tears to her eyes, making the group feel awkward in the moment.

"Charlie, come on, babe it's not that bad?  We're all still together making it work, you've done a lot for us and we appreciate it."

"Yes and if this is about your Dad, like he said, he's got this covered." Husk tried only to jump when Charlie snapped,

"I know what he said but still... I did this to him.  It was my idea to start this Hotel, I'm the one who allowed someone like that... that...  And I called my Dad here, he could have been safe at home away from people who would use him like this."  She knew her Father was depressed, having lost his will to dream after his Fall, the emotions of others so easily moved him that she could only imagine how he fell into his Deal.

"Oh Charlie, come now, you can't let this stop you now after all look how far you've come!"  At the sound of Alastor's voice, Charlie turned herself away from the other while lifting her chin into the air, the Radio Demon having appeared next to the group who all gave him a look of contempt.

"I'm sorry guys, but do you hear something?  Must have been the wind."  Alastor narrowed his gaze, though he was surprised when Charlie had nearly attacked him before, now she was acting like he didn't exist.  Though he couldn't blame her, the love and devotion she had for her Father was one he could admire, especially when he knew the truth of her birth... though Lilith acted like a Mother, Lucifer created his daughter in his image, and the amount of love that took was something Charlie couldn't help but owe even if she didn't know the truth.

"Charlie, I understand what I've done doesn't sit well with you but things are different now, I-" she whirled around to stand and snap at him,

"Yes, things are different, I trusted you Alastor and you did the one thing I cannot forgive!  When you finally release my Father, I don't want you here anymore-"

"Charlie!"  Lucifer's voice came from the doorway making Charlie jump to stare at her Father, the stern look upon his face as he came closer, Alastor took a step back to allow the two to speak,

"Dad... why are you defending him?  Is it because he holds your leash?  Did he order you to be like this?"

"Alastor hasn't ordered me to do anything, I know this upsets you, I know you feel betrayed but Alastor hasn't done anything to hurt this Hotel or what you're trying to do here.  He's been supportive in his own way, he has protected this place and helped the residents to the best of his ability."

"That doesn't excuse this at all, no matter what you say, I know he lied or did something to get you to fall for this Deal.  Whatever reason he has to use you like this... how would you feel if he had my Soul?"  Lucifer jolted but looked away with a sly gaze, she glanced from her Father to Alastor before putting it together, now it made sense why he reacted when he heard she owed him a favor.

"So that's how he got you in this deal, he lied about owning my soul when all I owe him is a deal!"  She glared at Alastor who let out an awkward chuckle, a hand moving to rub the back of his head,

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now