Angel Invasion

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                                       Within the next few days, the Cannibals from Rosie's territory arrived at the hotel to learn how to kill Angels, shuffling inside to be given weapons and set up with training outside by Vaggie, Pentious, and Charlie. Their sense of time seemed to feel as though it was rushed before the day of the purge, Alastor stood on the balcony looking down at the cannibals outside practicing when he noticed a few drones flying around.  Seems Vox was being a snoop, he was about to destroy them before thinking against it, after all, Hell should see the Princess in action actively defending her people.  It would give them good publicity, as much as he hated television, there were times it was required for further future endeavors,

"Hey, Alastor, sorry to bother you but have you seen my Dad?  I also can't find Vaggie... she was supposed to be outside training.  Can you help me find them?"  She clasped her hands together giving him a pleading smile to which he rolled his eyes to straighten himself up,

"Very well, my dear, let's see where they can be."  It would take them a bit to figure out that the roof was the last place to check, his ears picked up a few sounds from above them so making their way to the top to peer out of the door at the sight of Lucifer and Vaggie fighting.

"Oh my gosh, Vaggie wait!"  Before Charlie could run forward, Alastor grabbed the back of her coat to hold her in place,

"A moment, Dear," he motioned to the two fallen angels facing each other, Lucifer's attire was different as well, wearing leather black pants with a white long-sleeved shirt, and a leather harness over his chest and back.  Still wearing his hat too, Vaggie also had a new outfit with her hair tied up, her spear against Lucifer's glaive, the two throwing several strikes against each other to counter and move with the footwork they had been practicing as well.

"Very good, Vaggie, seems you picked up a lot from Carmella.  Nice to see she's lending a hand even when it's not something she can gain anything from but how is your aerial combat, you'll be facing angels in the air of course."  Vaggie gave a nervous look before Lucifer launched her into the air where her wings came forth, taking flight to spar with the Vaggie as the two moved through the air.  Charlie stepped closer to witness the two striking one another, the sound of metal clashing as her Dad trained Vaggie in aerial combat,

"Focus on the extending points of your wings, knowing when to close and open when maneuvering through the air, if you can't move them fast enough then parrying is your best bet!"  Lucifer laughed as he tried for her openings, Vaggie was a fast learner, she was honored to be trained by the King of Hell and Charlie couldn't be happier,

"Your Father seems adept at combat, who knew?"  Alastor chuckled while he watched every movement of Lucifer's, his attire certainly brought attention to the movements of his form, Charlie let out a sigh of relief that the two weren't really fighting.

"My Dad has fought in a war before, but if I remember correctly, he's more adept at magic and using his powers over his weapon skills but still it's nice to see that he's teaching Vaggie.  Getting her wings back must have been a miracle to her," Alastor glanced at Charlie while the Princess watched with concern over the two in the air.  He recalled the Devil's memories that one time, having seen the battlefield across Pride Ring of Demons facing the Heavens who threatened to purge all of Hell.  Recalling the Devil's form having been different back then as well, growing huge to appear like a true Devil beast,

"I believe that's enough for now, my Dear, you're a fast learner.  Tell me again, why Adam kicked you out of his army?"  The two came to land before Charlie and Alastor, Vaggie was catching her breath before answering,

"I spared a Sinner, one of the smaller ones from cannibal town, Lute cut out my eye and took my wings.  Leaving me here to die, if it wasn't for Charlie, I don't think I would have survived here long."  Looking at the Princess who came to hug her, the two shared a moment while Lucifer stretched his wings out as Alastor made his way closer only to be hit by one of the wings dropping his monocle and messing up his hair.

"Oh, sorry didn't see you there, well Charlie I think Vaggie here is ready to show the others how to fight.  Perfect timing, listen I hate to do this but... I have another matter to attend to... outside Pride Ring."  Charlie paused to face her Father, folding his wings back and changing to his normal attire while Alastor fixed himself to give the other a curious look as well,

"Wait, you're leaving?  Now?  But Dad, the Angels will be here in a couple of days, you can't just leave us."

"Charlie, I know just... I have to do this, a matter in Wrath Ring has come up and I will do my best to return before the battle.  Though I know your people here will do just fine and you have the numbers,"

"Don't fret, Charlie, I'm sure we can do just fine without the King, let him attend to more important matters.  More important than his Daughter's Hotel."  Alastor examined his microphone while Lucifer growled to glare at him, "Come to think of it, I can handle that ruffian angel leader of theirs... Adam was it?"

"You?  Take on Adam, hah that's hilarious... he's a celestial being.  Created by the original light of Heaven, no mortal soul can just take him on... especially with that little toy you have there."  Lucifer scoffed to shake his head in amusement, Alastor stepped closer to loom over the King's shoulder with a malicious chuckle,

"Oh, I'm sure he's all talk and no bite, we have everything under control.  Off you go, Your Majesty~"  Alastor booty bumped Lucifer to knock the small King over to stumble which resulted in Lucifer turning to growl at him,

"Swear you little shit, I hope you get your ass handed to you!"

"Dad!"  Pausing in their bickering, the two would turn to face Charlie who stepped closer to hug her Father,

"Just hurry back okay, please... I need you, I don't want to lose anyone.  You're my hope and light in my life," Lucifer did his best not to get teary-eyed but returned her hug before he sighed and stepped away,

"I will be back, just be careful and stick to your plans.  I'm sure they will work out in the end," moving away to use his cane to draw symbols in the air, a demonic sigil opened like a doorway to a desert realm with giant mountains and orbs of lava depicting the Wrath Ring, Lucifer waved once more before stepping foot and vanishing from Pride ring.

"Do you really think you can take on Adam?  By yourself?"

"My Dear, he's nothing but a fool, almost as much of a joke as your Father-" he cut off to see the look she was giving him, letting out a laugh before patting her head gently, "Alright, what I mean is I'm sure his pride and ego get in the way of thinking clearly.  According to Vaggie, Angels don't think they can be harmed thus they fight poorly, I'm sure we can get the drop on them.  Don't you worry!"  Charlie looked at Vaggie who shrugged, neither of them thought Alastor was good with combat, sure he had power but Angels could only be hurt by their Angelic Steel,

"By the way, Alastor... it has been a while now... I'm still thinking of that Deal we made.  You will let me know about it when it's time right?"  Alastor narrowed his gaze before stepping closer to wrap an arm around her shoulders,

"Trust me, when the time comes... I will be sure to let you know what I require of you, until then, focus on your hotel and people.  They need their Princess to have a brave face, heading into battle is never easy for anyone, you've done a good job so far though!"  And with that, the trio would head back inside to make their way down to train and prepare for the upcoming battle, a few more days to go before they fight to protect their home.  Charlie was doing her best not to freak out with her Father gone, upset that he could leave her right when she needed him, didn't he care what would happen to the residents and demons who may perish at the hands of Angels?

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now