Our Beginnings

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                                      Charlie was saying Oh Shit over and over in her head as she made her way to the penthouse where she knew her Father would be and after that shattering shout she could only guess what was wrong to make him so angry.  Of course, she wasn't going alone as a Shadow followed to reappear at the end of the hall on the same floor as the Devil's room, Charlie was breathing heavily as she opened the door to her Father's room looking around frantically.

"Dad?  Dad, what's wrong- Oh!  Oh my... what the..." Looking around his room, every rubber duckie he had looked like mini demons from Hell, contorted and misshapen, definitely done by one resident within the Hotel who had a liking for voodoo dolls and the like.  Her Father stood in the middle of the room, his coat and hat taken off while clenching his fists,

"That's it!  I've fucking had it!"  Charlie jumped as Lucifer whirled around with his demonic features coming out, "Since day one, that motherfucker has had it out for me and I've done nothing but show my support for this place and the Sinners here!  What is his goddamn problem?"  Charlie felt bad for her Dad's possessions but she recalled the photo of Alastor's tail,

"Dad, come on, he's just messing around.  Look!  He didn't touch these two," Charlie grabbed two ducks that resembled him and herself, handing them over to her Dad who gave them a tender gaze.  "You both have been doing this for weeks, this is nothing you can't fix-"

"No!  This is going too far, I may have taken one little picture to embarrass him with but that was also to show the others he's just a guy that they could get to know.  He doesn't have to stay off on his own, separate from everyone else.  I was breaking the ice between them!"  Charlie placed a hand over her heart, getting teary-eyed at the fact that her Father had been trying to help the residents make a connection with Alastor, though it wasn't the best way to go about it seeing as the Radio Demon wasn't someone who accepted others into his circle so easily.

"Just wait till I get my hands on him, he's going to learn today-" As Lucifer attempted to walk past her, Charlie brought her hands up to stop him,

"Dad!  Stop!  Look, I know you're mad but these games need to stop, no more, you and Alastor need to get along please for the sake of the Hotel, or else... or else you can't be here anymore."  Lucifer's form dropped as he stared at Charlie stunned by what she said,

"What... Charlie... You... You don't want me here, anymore?"  Charlie sighed and stepped forward to hug her Father,

"I do want you here but not if you're going to harm the residents here, just take a moment to calm yourself, and with the upcoming battle I need you to be focused on helping to train the others.  Can you do that for me?"  Lucifer frowned but held his daughter against him, suppose he was overreacting but when he thought about everything that had happened between him and the Sinner who was being difficult.  He was just annoyed that he hadn't reached the other yet, somewhat irritated that becoming friends with a Sinner like Alastor was like pulling teeth,

"I... I understand, don't worry about me, I got this Charlie."  He pulled away from her turning to face his room while she felt somewhat bad about how her Father sounded,

"Dad, I just-"

"Please, Charlie, leave me.  I want to be... alone."  Her eyes widened as she recalled hearing that before, while frowning she turned to leave, closing the door as she returned to the parlor looking for Vaggie to seek comfort.  Lucifer had a well-known history of depression, even before Charlie's birth, he hid away for years never speaking to anyone unless his Sins of the Rings needed his help with something.

                                   Outside the room, Alastor had heard every word between the two Royals, on one hand, he was satisfied by his efforts, finally getting the King of Hell to snap and react to something he had done which was a small victory for him.  However, it resulted in Charlie getting involved and being somewhat affected by how hurt her Father was and much to his surprise, taking his side of things in defending him along with the Hotel.  Alastor perked as he heard a voice and carefully opened the door to peer inside at the sight before him,

"You didn't know that when,

I tried this all before, my dreams were too hard to defend!

And in the end, I won't lose it all again,

The MorningStar: An Alastor and Lucifer TaleWhere stories live. Discover now