Chapter 15:

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~~~~~~Katniss POV~~~~~


I sprinted as fast as I could to the cornucopia and snatched up two knives and an orange backpack.

Searching around frantically, I see a perfect bow and arrow set, cannons going off in all directions.

Lunging for it, I feel a piercing feeling in my left leg. I look and I see blood streaming down my leg and a tribute lying on the ground with a bloody knife in her hand murmuring, "I'm not dying here without murdering someone!"

Forgetting about the bow and arrows I ran as fast as I could into the woods and didn't stop until my cut leg gave out.

I stumbled on the ground, panting and telling myself to calm down, and that I survived the bloodbath.

That's a start.

Wincing in pain I twisted my body around to get into my backpack.

The first thing I see is a small first aid kit and open it and see a large roll of surgical tape.

I dragged myself into a bush to bandage my leg.

Once I got it wrapped, I packed up my bag and stood up, to see where I was. Lots of good trees for climbing.

Needing a safe place to stay, I started climbing up a tree.

It was a tall standing oak with lots of reachable branches. I intended to move into a different tree later in because this one was way to easy to climb.

Finding two limbs that crossed each other in an equally comfortable way, I sat on one of them and opened my bag.

As I took out my first aid kit, i saw something dark and camouflaged. I tugged hard and it came out as a sleeping bag, meant to reflect heat.

That'll come in handy. I thought as I wiped my forehead.

I shoved the sleeping bag aside and pulled out a pair of night vision goggles.


One by one I pulled out the items and found some pretty useful stuff, except for the fact that I only had one small bag of trail mix and no meat.

Speaking of food, I needed to hunt. But Cato had my bow.

Why wound he need a bow and arrows? I watched him at training and he wasn't that good.

I sighed and decided to give my leg some rest. By morning, it'll hopefully feel better so I can go track down Cato and my bow. Then I can hunt.

~~~~~Clove POV~~~~~~

It hurt to run my top speed to the cornucopia so I could only jog, still not making the pain cease much.

Panting I reached the cornucopia and grabbed the first knife I saw, using it for protecting while I got better knives.

I stabbed two tributes to those death and made it to the center of the cornucopia.


I snatched up a belt with a large variety of different knives, each for a different purpose.

Perfect. I thought and then grabbed another belt full of knives and met up with Peeta and we both ran into the forest to make camp.

We had been running for about five minutes when I felt a sharp pain in my side and collapsed into Peeta's arms.

"Ohmygoshareyouokay,Clove?" Peeta says worriedly. I groan. "No I'm not ok! It's hurts...... So....... Bad......"

Peeta drags me to a small clearing and lays me down while he goes to get some cold water near the river we just passed.

Meanwhile I stared at my pretty visible bump, realizing that it's only been an hour and my bump already got a half inch bigger.

I sighed when Peeta got here and put the cold rag on my forehead. "Peeta," I whined. "Come sit by me." He smiled and I cuddled next to his shoulder and fell asleep with him rubbing small circles on my belly.

"Clove! Wake up!" I groggily sit up and see Peeta shaking me lightly.

"What?" I answer annoyed. "I think I spotted some tributes in the woods nearby!" Now alert, I peeked up and started digging through my orange backpack.

"Clove come on! What are you doing? Come help me spot them!" Peeta harshly whispered.

I glared at him and said, "What do you think I'm doing? I'm helping you spot the tributes!"

Peeta looks at my strangely and I pull out two pairs of night vision goggles.

"See? I am helping you!" I say a little too loudly.

"Sssssshhhhh!" Peeta hisses at me. Peeta hisses at me.

Suddenly, I hear leaves rustling and twigs snapping. I strap on my goggles and crawl over to to bush hiding our camp.

As I let my eyes adjust to the night goggles.

I see a girl and boy tribute who look pretty tall. Taller than me, but  are they stronger??

I hold up a knife and kneel in a throwing stance and hurl the first knife. It hits the girl tribute and her cannon goes off instantly.

The boy alerts himself and stares right into the bushes where my knife came from. He pulls out his sword, ready to strike and just before  he parts the bushes, I fire at his heart and his cannon booms in the silent night.

Satisfied with my kill, I stand up to walk back to Peeta when I feel another sharp pain and kneel down, clutching my stomach.

He rushes over to me and helps me up. "What happened, Clove?"

Wincing a little, I reply " Well I killed the tributes but when I stood up, I felt pain again. Must've been from kneeling down for so long."

Peeta nods but adds, "We're gonna need a better camp area than in the open like this." I nod and agree and start to fall asleep when I see the tributes faces being projected on the sky.

I count the faces until the Capitol seal shows and the sky goes dark.

10 tributes.

10 tributes dead in one day. If we keep this pace up, in a few days, we could be out of the arena.

Settling down on Peeta's shoulder, finally fall asleep with a dreamless sleep.


I'm so sorry it took so long to update!!!!!! I got caught up in my gymnastics meet and I just never finished the chapter! My mom had friends over to swim on Friday and who could resist swimming on a 100 degree day!!??

Well I'll try to constantly update but I'm going on vacation next week and I don't know if I'll have wifi or not so I'll just update lot when I get home.

Also, I am positive I had 600+ reads and now it's says it only has 500+. Anybody know what's going on?? Thx.

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