Chapter 21:

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This chapter is dedicated to......

JenielvaShepherd !!!!!!!!! She had voted for every single one of my chapters!!!!!!! Sorry guys I'm sure that I have other readers that have voted for all my chapters but this chapter is dedicated to JenielvaShepherd !! So big shout out!!!!!!

~~~~~Katniss POV~~~~~

The next day.......

"Cato," I stand in front of him and he looks at me innocently, which is basically just a normal face, Cato doesn't do puppy faces.

"Why did you steal my bow and arrow in the Cornucopia?" I ask.

He chuckles and pulls me into his big arms. I want to jerk out but nothing makes me feel more comfortable. "Remember I said I needed your sponsors to win" I nod. "Well, I did need your sponsors but mostly it was because i needed you," I'm confused. Cato shook his head and I couldn't help but watch how his perfect blonde hair flipped around.

"I like you, Katniss, and I took your bow so I could lure you to me, then capture your heart." He smirked at his last statement. I laugh and lean against his chest.

"Well, " I whisper, barely audible, "Your trick got me, and you have captured my heart." I kissed his gently on the lips and he returned the kiss.

~~~~Clove POV~~~~~

The next morning I woke up mad fed Alex then checked on Peeta's arm, which he was still sleeping but as soon as I saw his arm, I screamed.

"Peeta! Peeta, Peeta! Your arm!" He jerks awake and peers over at his arm. "P-Peeta, I think the knife wound pricked open an artery." I say in a shaky voice.

He looks panicked and I peel back some of the bandages. It was bleeding a lot and there was nothing I could do about it. The knife hit an artery, which you can't survive without. "Clove, " Peeta whispered desperately "I'm going to die soon, it's a miracle that I made it through the night but I am going to die." Tears start pouring down my cheeks "please keep on living for me and Alex. I want him to live a normal life. I nodded but in my head I knew nothing would be the same without Peeta.

Despite his softness and caring, and my fierce personality, we fit perfectly together. His eyes started to droop a little and I nudged him to keep him awake. "Fight for yourself Peeta, you can make it. Make it for me. For me. For me..."

~~~~~Peeta POV~~~~

"For me........" Cloves voice said desperately. I try to stay awake but I was loosing blood and there was nothing we could do.

"Clove, I love you....." And the world went black.

~~~~~Clove POV~~~~

His eyes closed. I panicked big time. I pressed my hand to his check and felt for a heartbeat. None.

I lit my ear to his chest, jut in case it was faint. None.


He's gone. He left me. He wanted me to live a normal life with Alex but he doesn't know how hard it is to live without him! I start sobbing, expecting for Peeta to just walk up behind me and hug me and assure me it was all a nightmare.

Sobs racked my small body and wails left my mouth. I wiped up my sniffles and thought that maybe Cato will ally with me. We can live together and have a family.

I sniff again and pick up baby Alex while the hovercraft picks up Peeta's limp body and disappears
in the sky.

I collect me knives and walked away from our camp.

I searched all night and came across three days tributes and took them both down in an instant.

16 tributes down, 8 tributes left.

Finally I found Cato but as I got a better look, I saw him kissing the Seam girl, Katniss. I frowned in disgust and jealously, thinking that is it weren't for Peeta that would be me.

At the memory of Peeta my heart broke down. And the sight of Cato and Katniss furiated me even more.
Soon I couldn't hold I. Ghee pain anymore and cast an arrow straight into Katniss back.

Feeling satisfied, I left.

~~~~~Cato POV~~~~~

Me an skateboard were having another one of our amazing make out sessions and talking normally tosh the when suddenly I heard a whizzing sound and then a thwack as Katniss's eyes opens wide in alarm. She let out a blood curdling scream and reached to her back.

I looked over and almost screamed myself. A knife has lodged itself deeply In Katniss's back. "Okay don't panic Katniss. I'm going to pull it out okay?" She nod Ana bites her lip.

"One Two Three." I grabbed a hold of the handled and yanked. Katniss screamed again and then covered her mouth and whispered. "Im so sorry, did I hurt you too much?" She keeps whimpering and I can tell she's in great pain.

"Is it bad Cato?" She said in a small voice. I look at her back. Nooooooooo. Not okay. If she doesn't get medicine on the me hour she's going to die.

"Um, it's. Ad but we can fix it." I try to convince her. Soon a silver parachute come floating down and I open it immediately. A healing cordial.

I order Katniss to lay on her stomach and I later some of the ointment on her wound. It slowly starts to reduce bleeding and I covered it up with her first aid kit supplies.

When I'm done I pull Katniss gently into my arms and hug her. "I love you Katniss." I can feel her smile and she whispers back "I love you too Cato." My heart jumps for joy at her remark. "Real or not real?" I ask.

Katniss yawns. "Real." She says and falls asleep.

I watch as Katniss peaceful sleeps. She looks so innocent and at peace rather than being alert all the time because of the brutal hunger games.

I love this girl so much and I will do anything to get her out of the Games alive, with me or without me. She's going to live.

I sigh and rest my chin on her head. I smell her scent. So natural and earthy. I take one more deep breath of her and fall asleep, tightening my grip on her, making sure she doesn't leave me, ever.


TA da!!!!! There's the chapter!!! How was it?? I'm trying to update more frequently and make my chapters at least 1,000 words.

Remember this chapter was dedicated to JenielvaShepherd because they are awesome! Also I have decided to make Cato and Katniss win, inspired by an awesome writer, tmarie1214 she is such an amazing author of a Catoniss fanfic and I really want her to write a sequel!!! Please please please read her book, Gladiolus.

May the Odds Be Ever In you Favor. 😊😊😊😊😊

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