Chapter 17:

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Okay so just gonna go ahead and write that chapter even though I got no comments.

Here u go:

~~~~~~Clove POV~~~~~

"Peeta it hurts!!!!!!" I scream! My stomach is literally the size of a watermelon already and it's hurts like he*l.

Peeta kneels beside me and rubs my stomach and plants kisses on my body. Suddenly, I feel a kick.

"Peeta! The baby kicked!" I quickly grabbed his hand and places it where I felt the kick. Another kick. Peeta looks at me wide eyed. "Congratulations clove, we are going to be parents to a very healthy baby." He grinned and the baby kicked again. I smiled too.

Peeta went back to rubbing my belly but then bent down and started whispering to the baby. "Hello in there! This is your daddy speaking. We can't wait to see you, little sea monkey!" I giggled! Sea monkey! What kind of nickname is that?

I laugh some more and then an arrow comes whizzing through the air and hits peetas' shoulder. "Ow!" He exclaimed and then stepped In Front of me to block me from whoever was attacking us.

Under Peeta's guard, I crawled over to my knives and grabbed an assorted set of them. I grinned to myself and fan one knife against my palm. It instantly drew blood.

I grinned evilly and wiped the blood on the dirt. I slowly turned around to see another arrow whizzing by my head. Phew. Whoever is shooting those arrows is not very good! Then I realize that Cato picked up some arrows and at training, whoa! It was like he had never touched a bow and arrows before!!!!!

Of course I exaggerated but I do that a lot.

I crouch to my throwing place and get in position. I draw back my arm but Cato busts through the bushes and says, "don't shoot me yet!" I snicker and say, "Isn't that why we're in the Hunger Games? To kill people?" He slowly nods but Peeta says boringly, "What do you want Two?" Cato sighs and says, "Im looking for Katniss." There some kind of emotion hiding in his eyes. Shyness?

I shake my head and face him "Really? Katniss, the girl on fire?" The one who stole you from me?

"Um," I look at Peeta. He nods. "We haven't seen her. Sorry." Cato sighs with another mixed emotion. Strange. I think, "Well then I'll get going." Cato mutters. I've never seen him like this, like ever. Why is Cato so desperate to find Katniss?

I shrug the thought off and tell Peeta to go hunt for dinner.

~~~~~~Glimmer POV~~~~~~

Me and marvel sprinted through the forest as fast as we could but when I got tired he had to carry me bridal style. Finally we made camp in a small thicket of bushes with a cave towards the end.

Marvel took out a sleeping bag and let me rest in it. He took out some trail mix and offered me some but I refused and continued to munch. When he was finished he crawled in next to me and we cuddled together for a while. Soon, marvel fell asleep and I drew tiny circles on his back with my pointer finger. Soon he woke up and ran his hand through his already messed up hair from sleep.

"Hey beautiful!" His eyes lit up when he realized he was face to face won't me as soon as we woke up. I grinned back and let his warm arms wrap around me. Suddenly I felt cold and looked up to see Marvel slipping out of the sleeping bag. "What are you doing, Marvel?" I asked. He kissed my forehead and said "I'm going to go hunting, we don't have much food." I sighed but brightened up when I realized I could go with him. "I can go with you!" He smiles sadly and said "I don't want you to get hurt." I kept protesting. "But I can use a bow and arrow. And don't you think it would be safer with you? Because if you left me alone-" "okay, Glimmer, you've got your point across. Now let's get moving." I smiled happily and added "Fist can I have a little kiss??" I stuck my lips out and pouted. I knew my face was too hard to resist so soon I felt Marvels soft lips on mine.

{it gets a little heated here but I'm not going to describe it}

He hugged me close and I accepted his body warmth. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance and of course I let him and he slipped his sweet tongue in my mouth. Marvel pulled the hem of my shirt up slightly and ran his hands all over my back and I traced my fingered down to the end of his shirt and pull it up a little.

Finally we have to come up for air and I stand panting against him, my shirt halfway off. "Do we have enough time before we hunt?" I pout again. Marvel grins and he hugs me close while tugging my shirt off completely whole I managed to get his shirt off.

I slowly traced my delicate fingers along his chiseled chest and knew I was staring to turn him on and then stopped and walked away.
Marvel chased after me and whispered in my ear, "You'll have to pay for this!" I just simply giggles and before I know it my pants are in a heap by my legs.

Heat creeps up my face and and I see Marvel searching through the trees a little. "Marvel! What are you doing? I'm standing here in my underwear and your looking for berries?" I complain and he turns around. "Glimmer," I shiver the way he says my name. "I was turning off the cameras." "Oh. Sorry. " "it's ok"

We trudge to the back of the cave and lay down next to each other in the soft leaves. Marvel starts undoing his belt buckle but I finish it for him and soon he's left in his boxers. We make out while we finish undressing each other.

Soon Marvel leaves my lips and leaves a trail of kisses down to my inner thighs.........................

We lay panting next to each other with our clothes back on now. "I love you so much Glimmer. You mean the world to my and I would never be able to make it without you; I would die for you. I'm so glad we get to spend time together and even though we're in the Hunger Games, I will protect you with my life. But without you, I have no life. It was love at first sight for me. Your the sun of my day, the stars in my night, your as beautiful and pretty as a flower but I just have one question for you:" he gets on one knee. "Glimmer Marie Jackson, will you marry me?" My heart leaps. Did he just ask me what I think he said. "Yes I would love to marry you Marvel Philip Reed!" I threw my arms around him and kissed him full on the lips. Marvel twirled me around and set me down and kissed me again. "Glimmer, today, you made me the happiest man alive!"

~~~~~~Marvel POV~~~~~

"I just have one question for you:" I get on one knee. "Glimmer Marie Jackson, will you marry me?" She looks shocked for a second am a little disappointed. Maybe I asked too soon. "Yes I would love to marry you Marvel Philip Reed!" She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. I twirled her around and smiled ear to ear and said, "Glimmer, today you made me the happiest man alive!!"

I was so happy. I would be able to spend the rest of my life with the girl of my dreams. Nothing bad can happen now.

Suddenly I heard a whizzing and a knife cut through the air. And then it looked as if everything was slow motion. I followed the arrow's path and saw glimmers innocent face and then the knife guys her hard in the side and she falls down from the impact. I rush quickly to her side and brush back her hair. "Glimmer! Are you ok? What happened!!!?" I ask her. She grimaces and says in a strained voice, "I- I didn't see it coming." She coughed up a little bit of blood and cleared her throat and continued, "Well I- I don't know! I'm going to die marvel! Just admit it! I'm going to die!" She grasped her hair and coughed up more blood and I watched her chest heave up and down. Soon her breathing slowed and I soothed her as much as I could despite the fact that that the Inside of me was breaking into pieces. Glimmer struggles to say something else. She whispered very softly and I strain to hear her. "Marvel, you're the sweetest man I've ever met and all I want for you is to be happy." She coughed more and wipe the blood away from her mouth. "When I die, please find another girl and let her replace me , I could never deserve someone as sweet as you. Just please, be happy....." Her breathing slowed and I could see the life slipping away from her eyes. "Glimmer, I love you from the bottom of my heart. Have a nice afterlife. I love you, Glimmer........Reed." Then I kiss her and when I pull away her eyes are closed and her chest is no longer moving.

She's dead.


Hey guys!!! Sorry this chapter is sooooo long I just couldn't stop!!!! 😂 well in also very sorry it was sad but I had to eliminate a pair so sooooo sorry!!!!!

Also I would love to dedicate this chapter to SyreniaLover because she voted for my last two chapters and it helped me a lot because I needed support!! Thank so you so much guys and
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.

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