Chapter 16:

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Sorry for the long way for the update I've been really lazy lately and just way too tired to write more and I'm going on vacation soon so............. It's not like writers block though.

Basically I'm just really tired and lazy!!

I just have to dedicate this chapter to OctiviaMelody for her undying support for me! So give a big shout out to her because she's awesome!!!!

Well anyways, here's the next chapter:

~~~~~Katniss POV~~~~~

I woke to the sound of rustling branches. Very alert I picked my heavy head up and peered down from my perch in the trees.

The first thing I see are very clear giant animal footprints and get a gut feeling that there are muttations in the arena ready to kill us all.

Hopefully they can't climb trees because that's my safe zone. But from the size and depth of the footprints, the mutt is probably big and heavy.

I know I'm not the best at science and analyzing, but this case is pretty obvious.

I roll up my sleeping bag and stuff my things from overnight into my backpack and sling it over my back. I start to climb done the tree but feel a sharp pain from my leg wound.

Peeling back the bloody surgical tape, I see a horrible sight.

My cut is swollen and green with puss oozing out of it. Wincing in disgust and pain, I poke it ever so little and it burns with pain.

Well, there's yet another obstacle added to my list. I think to myself.

I dig through my bag and rebandage it as carefully as possible but putting pressure on my wound puts me in deep pain. I sigh and stare at the sky and relax for a minute when a parachute comes down.

I carefully open it, hoping to find a cordial of medicine for my wound but instead I get some beef jerky and a small note that says:

The sap from the Sap Trees will help you with your journey,


I look around. Remembering my lesson in the training center, the sap trees are big and thick but very hard to find.

Then I remember one day back in the Seam

"Mother, there's an emergency in the town square, bring your doctor kit!" Prim's little but mature voice said.

My mother and Prim gather those stuff and set out to the square, where many people were gathered.

Then in the center, was a man, laying down and roaring out in pain every few seconds.

I wince at the sound of his blood- curdling screams but Prim and my mother march right forward.

To cowardly to come closer, I stand at the ack of the crowd with Gale and listen to the people's comments. Finally I hear my mothers voice out of the crowd.

"Katniss, there is only one way to save this man and the secret lies beyond the fence where you hunt. I would go myself but knowing I have a very skilled daughter, I want you to go in the woods and bring me back one tablespoon of tree sap." I nod and set off, remembering very clearly my fathers lesson about the forest

Shaking off the flashback, I start painfully climbing down the tree to find the Sap. Finally, after a very painful way down, I made it and trudged quietly and stiffly on the forest ground.

Finally I am sure i have found the right tree and tap the tree a few times. An unhollow Echo comes and I drop my hand.

Usually I use a tap to get the sap out of the tree but I done have one.

As if on que, a silver parachute floats down and I beam while I open it and stick the tap into the tree. Soon, a warm, gooey liquid flows out and I collect it in a large leaf I had found.

When I was done, I dried off the tap and stuck it in the waistband of my shorts. Then sitting down, I took off my poorly wrapped bandage and poured some of he gooey goodness on it.

Just like magic, my wound started to deflate and the green color went away, leaving a small scar in its place. Very satisfied, I put a little more clean wrap on and stood up firmly.

Now to find my bow and arrows.

How am I supposed to find Cato in this wilderness?

Then all of a sudden, I realize that I don't have any allies. Stupid, stupid me! I bang my head a few times and then quiet down quickly on account of a small rustling noise. I turn my head in the direction of the sound and feel two big strong arms wrap around my mouth and make the world go black.


I know that was really short but I'm super tired and just jotted this down in less than an hour so....

Well anyways, I forgot to mention a shout out to annagirl8 for her also undying support so give her a big thank you to her!!!!!

So I'm reading this really good Hunger Games fanfic by @13Fire and she is just pure amazing! She is an amazing writer you should go read her books!

Her first book is called Adualtion which is a Catoniss fanfic and then I'm reading her sequel right now called The Hunger Games: Over Ruled which is Cato and Katniss's daughter going into the Hunger Games! Comment a thumbs up emoji👍🏼 if you have/are reading her stories or just comment.

Ok and May The Odds Be Ever On Your Favor!

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