Chapter 23:

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Sorry guys I haven't been updating!! I've been really busy and my dad thinks I'm on my iPod too much so....😂😂😂😂😂. So now I'm going to be doing nothing for the rest of the summer so I'll be able to update quicker.

Right now I'm just in a hard spot so I'm slowly getting out of it. I need to kill everyone else on a slightly different way but I just need to end the hunger games.

Okay here's the next chapter!!

~~~~~Katniss POV~~~~~

Cato and I we walking back to our camp from a long day of hunting , both tributes and game.

"Five more tributes left, Cato. Me, you, Clove, the girl from District 5, and Thresh." I say. Cato nods and engulfs me in his arms. Despite the fact that he's a career meant to be a ruthless killer, he gives the greatest hugs. I snuggle deeper in his arms and try to count how many days we have been in the arena.

Almost two weeks!!!!

I tell Cato and he says, "How about we end the Hunger Games. Shall we go tribute hunting together?" He asks me. I giggle and take his arm. Suddenly Claudius Templesmith's  voice crackles over the intercom.
"Tributes of the 74th Hunger Games, I have an announcement for you." He pauses and I crane my neck up to the sky to hear better. "There will be a feast on the cornucopia and gifts designated for remaining tributes. There may be something you need that will be the difference between your life and death. Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor?" The arena falls silent.

"Cato, should we go? We can kill tributes but might get ourselves killed." Cato just stares ahead, thinking.  Finally he says, "We don't need anything but in order to finish the hunger games, we will need to kill more tributes. Let's go now and camp out near the cornucopia. Then we'll kill anyone who comes." I agree to his plan we take off for the cornucopia.

~~~~~Clove POV~~~~

I have to win.

Alex needs to eat and he can't eat the rough meat that i have been eating. I need to go to the cornucopia to get formula for him. I gather my knives and pick up Alex.

As I walk towards the cornucopia, I think about Katniss and Cato. Ugh I hate that girl. She stole Cato from me! I mean of course I still love Peeta but anyways at first tour love was fake but we grew to love each other and had a baby.

I sighed in anger and frustration. 

I came apon a spot to leave Alex.  I set him down and laid him on my sleeping bag. Then I adjusted my grip on my knives and sprinted as fast as I could to the cornucopia.

~~~~Katniss POV~~~~~

We had arrived at the cornucopia. Me and Cato stood panting, catching our breath from the long run. He had started to make a small camp for us. I made my sled comfortable but when I set my hand  down I felt something warm and sticky. Looking down I let out a small scream when I saw  what my hand had touched.

There was a pool of blood oozing out of a decapitated female tributes body. The girl from 5. She just passed here and so did her killer because her blood was still fresh.

I heard a whirring sound above me and saw the hovercraft ready to take her body. Me and Cato stepped back and her body was lifted in the air and disappeared.

Shaking my hand to get the blood off I groaned in disgust.

Then I load my head on Cato's chest and drifted off.

~~~~~ Unknown POV~~

A feast. They want to draw all the tributes together so we can kill each other. Ugh. The Capitol people are sick. I bet they wouldn't enjoy the Hunger Games so much if they were actually in it. Ha! If I win the games and take Snow's crown, then il send the Capitol citizens into the Games.

After debating with myself for a long time I decided to go to the cornucopia.

As I ran, I heard more footsteps, slowing down to listen, the footsteps get closer and closer. I stopped and drew out my sword. I may not be as good as Cato but I'm not no weakling.

The bushes parted and there stood the small girl from 5. She may be small in size but she had a evil smirk plasters on her face.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and looked down to see a knife stuck there. Now I was mad.

I lunged towards her with my sword and chopped off her head in a split second. Her cannon went off instantly and I cleaned off my sword. Not as good as Cato huh?

I clutched at my stomach as I slowly limped closer the the cornucopia, Knowing that there will be medicine for my wound.

As I got closer, I began coughing up blood and son I fell down and had to crawl the rest of the way.

The cornucopia was in view and I hair had to make it there fast. Here goes nothing, and I slid out of the bushes and into the open. I dragged myself as fast as my wound would allow me but blood was streaming out of my stomach like a waterfall.

I got to the cornucopia without anyone seeing me.

I stood up painfully and grabbed a healing cordial. Checking to make sure no one was there, I took a step forward and collapsed. I choked up more blood and almost threw up more in disgust.

I dragged myself more slowly to the bushes and the pain increased 100 times more. Finally the forest. I popped open the cap and started to tip the bottle into my wound when someone tangled me from behind. I let out a wail of pain because my belly couldn't handle the impact. I managed to look up and the last thing I saw was Clove sitting on top of me, before she plunged a knife in my throat.

~~~~Cato POV~~~~


Someone's cannon most went off. I jerked up. Katniss?! Then I saw her sleeping peacefully on my chest and relaxed. Katniss stirred and opened her eyes. "What's wrong Cato?" She said. "Someone's cannon just went off. I thought it was yours and panicked." I replied.  She nodded but had a far away look.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked concerningly. She just skip ok her head an muttered, nothing.but I pushed on.

"It's ok to tell me Katniss." I say and run my hand along her back. She takes a deep breath in and says, "Cato, before I really met you, you were in my dreams." I cock my head to the side in confusion.

She tells me all I out her dreams and nightmares about me and her family. I listen contently and pay very close attention.

Once she finishes, Katniss says, "Cato, are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" Her question took me by surprise. "Yeah if you want to. Anything for you!" Katniss smiled and leans her head on my shoulder   "So that means we are dating." "Yeah I guess. Does it count in the Hunger Games?" She nods and relaxes on my chest.

Then a loud crackle came over the intercom and Claudius Templesmith came on again. "Tributes, there have been some changes and now Two tributes will be crowned victor!"  I look at Katniss in joy. She looks at me the same way and we both jump up. "Let's go kill Clove." 

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