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Yoongi pulled his car into the parking lot of the animal shelter and cut the engine. He grabbed his folder that held all of the information he needed, his camera bag, his lights, and his tripod. He entered the large building and smiled at the receptionist "Hi, I'm Yoongi Min, I'm here to do the photoshoot for the website?"

"hi!" she smiled wide "it's so nice to meet you, I'm Stacey" she stood and walked around the desk "follow me and I'll show you where everything is"

"thank you" he smiled as he followed the girl in pink scrubs, watching her long ponytail sway in front of him with every step she took. He wondered briefly if he had brought a hair tie himself because sometimes his long hair got in his eyes and his pictures paid the price. He looked down at his wrists and frowned, he hadn't.

His eyes moved to the walls then, colors everywhere, a vibrant mesh that should have made him nauseous but only made him smile as it added to the homely feel of the shelter. Walking past the kennels, he realized the animals were genuinely taken care of and loved. Even if they hadn't found their forever homes, they were safe, happy, and healthy.

A few of the dogs and cats had caught his eye, and his heart swelled with the idea of sticking one in his pocket or under his shirt to bring home for him and Jimin to love on. Jimin would die of excitement and that made Yoongi chuckle to himself as Stacey finally entered a gated off area behind the building. It was a large grassy area filled with dogs and trainers. They were playing and having fun in the gated in field, he instantly saw candid shots ready to be captured and nodded

"Here we are"

"This is great, thank you"

"Of course, do you need help with anything?"

"No, I'm alright. I shouldn't be too long"

"Great! Just drop off the invoice at my desk before you go"

"Will do, thanks again"

Yoongi didn't waste any time as he got right to work. Time seemed to pass by in a blur as he took photo after photo. Changing lenses, settings, and lighting, squatting and standing. Even laying on his belly to get the perfect shot as he squeaked a toy that made all of the dogs stare straight at him. He laughed to himself and smiled. He wished every job was this adorable, if he had known, he would've accepted a job like this sooner.

He was thankful the shelter reached out to him on his website.

By the end of the shoot, he was confident he had all of the shots he needed, and smiled as he delivered the written invoice to Stacy at her desk. As they were saying their goodbyes, someone called out to him

"Min Yoongi?"

He turned with a smile at the voice. His light blue scrubs fitted to his body. Tall, broad, tiny waist, clearly built and muscular, long black hair pulled into a ponytail, tattoos wrapped around his arm, piercings in his face. Yoongi scanned the man from head to toe, feeling his mouth go dry. Whoever this guy was that spoke his name was clearly sent straight from one of Yoongi's wet dreams. A fantasy come to life. He thought he was maybe dreaming, but then his eyes met the man's. Those wide innocent brown eyes that contradicted everything else about him.

He'd seen those eyes before, in Seoul of all places a long, long time ago. And here he was, in NYC.

"Jeon Jeongguk?" his eyes widened, the other man broke out in the biggest smile, nose scrunching and eyes wrinkling at the edges

"holy shit!" He laughed and rushed to hug Yoongi, it was awkward with all of Yoongi's gear in their way, but they embraced like old friends "I knew that was you! I'm surprised you remembered me hyung!"

He and Jeongguk hadn't gone to school together for very long. Jeongguk moved away when they were about twelve, and though they were never close, Jeongguk had spent time with him and Jimin in the cafeteria, in class, and as little kids had played together on the playground.

Jeongguk was always lanky, awkward with his big nose and wide eyes. He was shy and quiet until you got to know him and he felt comfortable around you enough to be himself and open up. Sometimes it seemed like Jeongguk did nothing but talk their ears off as they played together.

The man hugging him tightly had clearly changed, especially physically. He had grown into his features and bulked up his body. It made Yoongi want to throw himself at him.

"of course I do" Yoongi chuckled as they separated

"I'm so happy to see you! It's sixteen years?"

"holy hell" he put a hand over his heart "are we that old?"

Jeongguk laughed and nodded his head "unfortunately we are. We should definitely catch up though! Are you still in contact with Jimin?"

"I am" he smiled with a nod "we're roommates. We moved here together a few years back"

"That's amazing we all ended up in the same place. Do you guys live close by?"

"We actually do. Do you want to swap numbers? We could get together, I'm sure Minnie would love to see you too"

"absolutely!" He whipped his phone out of his pocket and handed it over for Yoongi to add in his number, Yoongi sent himself a text from his phone so he could save his number "this is exciting" he beamed as he slipped his phone into his pocket "I'm glad I was here today. I'm a veterinarian, I have my own practice but I volunteer here a few times a week"

"that's incredible Guk!" the old nickname slipped past his lips from muscle memory, Jeongguk only seemed to smile wider, happiness radiating off of him in waves like an excited puppy


"I'll let you go, we'll talk soon?"

"Sounds great" he nodded, they waved and then Yoongi was in his car, pushing out a breath at how incredible it felt to see another familiar face...and how fucking turned on he'd been at just the sight of him. Never minding the hug that made him feel like he'd faint with an embarrassing erection.

How did little Jeonggukie grow up so well?


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