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Minnie💞: Are you sleeping at Jeonggukkie’s tonight 👀
Minnie💞: I asked Tae to be my boyfriend so… now my boyfriend is sleeping over and wants to rail me on every surface. I promise to bleach the apartment and we won't fuck in your bed
Minnie💞: well, no promises about your bed

Yoongi: I'm sleeping here, but if you fuck in my bed Jeongguk and I have every right to do the same, and I can't promise that I won't take off your pillow cases and cum on your actual pillows 😌

Minnie💞: so, no fucking in your bed. Got it.
Minnie💞: love you ♡ stay safe

Yoongi: love you too baby, stay safe ♡
Yoongi: prayers we can both walk normal tomorrow 🙏🏻

Minnie💞: amen 🙏🏻

Yoongi snorted and put his phone down “who you textin over there beautiful?” Jeongguk asked as he joined Yoongi on the couch

“Jimin” he chuckled “he asked Tae to be his boyfriend finally but it looks like the two of them are gonna fuck on every surface in the apartment including my bed”

“That's fine, we'll just fuck on his” he shrugged as he put an arm over Yoongi's shoulders and pulled him in close

“That's what I said” he laughed as he curled up next to him and reached for the popcorn, the two of them watched a movie to unwind. It felt nice to not have to think for a while. He let himself be pampered by Jeongguk, and he loved the extra attention. He loved that Jeongguk took care of him, that he wanted to take care of him at all but especially to the extent Jeongguk was willing to do so.

Jeongguk did a lot of things that he probably didn't even realize. Like the way he held Yoongi, or constantly made sure they were touching in some way at all times. The way he dragged his fingers softly over any exposed skin he could find, or dragged his nails comfortingly over Yoongi's scalp. Yoongi was pretty positive Jeongguk wasn't even aware how often he kissed him either. His hand, his cheek, his arm, his temple, his lips- anywhere he could and as often as he could.

Jeongguk could be in the middle of talking and if even a sliver of skin were close enough, he kissed it.

It was just another reason Yoongi fell so hard. And unlike any (all) of his past relationships, Jeongguk genuinely didn't care how close he and Jimin were. He embraced it and encouraged it, frequently asking how Jimin was doing, if Jimin wanted to join them for whatever they were doing, and asking if Jimin had eaten the same way he asked Yoongi. Whether it stemmed from the three of them growing up together or being friends, Yoongi didn't know but he wasn't willing to question it.


“Hmm?” Jeongguk turned his head to give him his full attention

“Are you ready for bed? It's getting late and I know you've got work in the morning”

“I forgot I work tomorrow” he smiled “yeah, I'm ready when you are”

“Let's go” Yoongi stood up, he grabbed the empty popcorn bag and the glasses they used and brought it all out to the kitchen

“You can leave the cups, I'll wash them tomorrow” he yawned and stretched, he took off his glasses and rubbed at his eye and Yoongi swooned

“Okay” he threw away the bag and set the glasses in the sink

“Do you work tomorrow?” He asked as he led Yoongi to the bathroom so they could brush their teeth

“Yeah, I have a client to see for his headshots. Every year he asks me to retake them” He rolled his eyes as they started brushing their teeth, once they were done and heading to the room he spoke again “but I don't have to meet with him until around one”

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