Neck kisses

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Jimin was exhausted, mentally and physically. He was scheduled for the pediatric floor for his first shift, which was lovely. He thoroughly enjoyed working with the kids and taking care of them. He hated seeing them sick, but he loved putting a smile on their faces and giving them extra lovins and warm blankets. It wasn't all rainbows and butterflies, but it was always better than the emergency room. Which is exactly where he was scheduled for his second shift.

He looked at the schedule and frowned when he realized Taehyung wouldn't be in for the night shift. He was hoping they'd at least get a cup of coffee together. He sighed but continued on through his shift. It wasn't horrible, not as some nights could be, he didn't have any traumatic injuries. Just the usual aches and pains and sick people who thought they were dying when all they needed was some extra Tylenol and more fluids.

His drive home was the same as it always is, but he was surprised when he walked into his apartment to find Yoongi curled up on the couch with a sexy man holding him and kissing down his neck. The man's biceps alone were enough to have Jimin's jaw on the floor.


"Who..? That's not- no fucking way is that Jeon Jeongguk"

"Hey Jiminie" the sexy man beamed

"Am I going to get neck kisses like that too?" he raised a brow as the sexy Jeongguk laughed and Yoongi pouted

"No. They're my neck kisses. Go get yours from Taehyung" he curled himself up more in Jeongguk's hold, making Jeongguk laugh even more

"He wasn't in today" he smiled and shrugged "can I at least get a hug? Holy shit it's been years. You look amazing"

"Thank you" Jeongguk beamed, he untangled himself from a pouty Yoongi and stood as he hugged Jimin "you look good too" Jimin chuckled at that as he hugged him back, he patted his back before Jeongguk let go "oh come on hyungie, don't be jealous" he teased as Yoongi pretended to be insulted. He let himself be manhandled though until he was back in Jeongguk's hold

"So you two met for lunch and now all of a sudden there's neck kisses?" He asked as he walked towards the kitchen to get his food from the fridge

"Something like that" Yoongi mumbled as his cheeks dusted pink "I need to talk to you though about something important"

"Go for it" he shrugged "if Jeongguk got you pregnant already though I'm not sure I want to know" he joked making them laugh

"Well, we didn't use protection so any- ow!" Yoongi nudged Jeongguk hard in his ribs to shut him up

"I'm not a woman, and you don't have to announce how easy I am either"

"Oh, I'm well aware you aren't a woman" he wiggled his brows making Yoongi huff as he tried to pull away. Jeongguk kept him in place though and laughed

"Wow, I never saw that coming" his eyes widened as he put his food in the microwave "is that what you need to talk about? Because if you guys are a thing now, I'm just happy for the two of you"

"Not exactly.. I mean.. I considered today a date, and I asked him to sleep over and for another date so.." Yoongi shrugged while Jeongguk watched him talk with a fond smile on his face

"I'm hoping to be" Jeongguk added on softly, earning a smile from Yoongi

"But, no, I need to talk to you about Felix"

"In front of your new beau?" He raised a brow as he grabbed his silverware and took the food out of the microwave, he brought his food to the living room and sat across from them

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