Only fools rush in

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The three of them were silent on the drive back to Yoongi's apartment. Yoongi had too much to think about, Jimin was texting Taehyung, and Jeongguk wanted to make sure that Yoongi was really okay. 

The silence was broken when Jeongguk parked his car at the entrance “I'll see you later?” Yoongi looked at him with confusion 

“What do you mean? You aren't coming up?”

“I wasn't sure if you needed to be alone or not. I don't want to over crowd you. It was a long and emotional day for you hyungie” 

“I appreciate your concern Jeongguk but I'd rather not be alone” 

“Taehyung is stopping by, why don't you go to Jeongguk’s for a while. It'll do you some good to get out of the house”

Yoongi nodded “can I?”

“Of course” Jeongguk smiled and nodded his head “you never have to ask, you're always welcome at mine” 

“I'll go grab some clothes and come back”

“You can just wear mine if you'd like?” Yoongi nodded and turned to face Jimin 

“Thank you for coming with me Minnie. Have fun with Taehyung and try to relax okay?” 

“I will Yoongs. I love you” he patted his arm softly “Guk, I'll see you later, take care of our baby” 

“I will Jiminie” he chuckled, they waited until Jimin went inside the complex and then Jeongguk drove them to his apartment. When they stepped inside, Jeongguk made a beeline for the bathroom while Yoongi went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water. He stared out of the window above the sink, lost in thought as he sipped his water and tried to get the guilt to go away. 

Nothing could calm his nerves, he thought back on his conversation with detective Travitt and decided he'd apply for a gun license, he'd have to look into lessons and get comfortable with even being within two feet of a firearm but if he really was the catalyst for all of the losses since he was a would only be a matter of time before he was in danger wouldn't it? 


He snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see Jeongguk standing in the entrance of the kitchen, his suit jacket gone and his dress shirt rolled up his forearms “hmm?”

“Come with me?” Yoongi nodded and sat his water down before he took Jeongguk’s outstretched hand and let himself be guided towards the bathroom. He smiled as Jeongguk opened the door, the room was dark, but the candles lit on every surface casted a warm yellow and orange glow. Jeongguk had soft music playing from his phone, and the bath was filled to the brim with bubbles. It smelled like lavender and vanilla and Yoongi's heart swelled at the compassion and thoughtfulness of his boyfriend. 

It had only been a month, but Yoongi had never felt as loved as he did with Jeongguk. Jeongguk was always putting him first, always going out of his way to put a smile on Yoongi's face, and always making sure that Yoongi was taken care of. 

And in turn, Yoongi had never loved anyone the way he found himself loving Jeongguk. 

Jeongguk turned him by his hips, making Yoongi face him “come here” Yoongi stepped closer and Jeongguk took his time removing the suit from Yoongi's body. He placed soft kisses randomly on Yoongi's skin until he got him completely naked “go ahead and get in. I'll be right back” 

“okay” he leaned in and left a quick kiss on Jeongguk’s lips before he watched him walk away. He turned around, facing the bath and got in. He sighed as the perfectly hot water engulfed his body, the bubbles pushing up around him as he smiled and rested his head against the rim of the tub. Jeongguk came back with two wine glasses and a chilled bottle of Yoongi's favorite sweet red wine. 

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